Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail was officially adopted in 1968, but despite the fact that these cats are more than 45 years old, they are rarely found in Europe. It's easy to guess where the Japanese Bobtail originated from. In the country of the Rising Sun, cats have long been an object of worship, and when in the Middle Ages the myth appeared that the cat's tail accumulates all negative energy and evil forces, the Japanese began to select specially cats that did not have this part of the body. In the world, the breed spread with the help of American soldiers, who after the Second World War began to take them away to the United States. It's hard to say how the gene responsible for such a unique tail defect got to Japan, but the last popular opinion is that it was brought by the ancestors of the Japanese Bobtail from China.

Breed description

These are large long-haired cats with a short tail, which according to the breed standard should be noticeable and covered with wool. They have a triangular muzzle, large ears and beautiful clean eyes. The nature of the Japanese Bobtail is simply wonderful. They always happily participate in all domestic affairs, like to play tricks, play, steal something tasty. The cat Japanese Bobtail will never let you be bored, he is very affectionate and devoted. But the Japanese Bobtail cats have a more restrained temper, they are very bold and decisive, especially when they protect their offspring. Breeders are not advised to keep the Japanese Bobtail together with some other animal. By the way, if it so happens that the Bobtail will live in a dog society - do not be surprised if one day you see how your bushy-tied friend wears objects in his teeth, they have a great propensity to copy behavior.

In one litter, usually 3-6 kittens are born. The kittens of the Japanese Bobtail are real tough. In size they are larger than newborn kittens of ordinary cats, trying to get out of their lairs almost immediately after birth. When choosing a Japanese Bobtail kitten, it is best to consult a felinologist or a professional breeder, especially this recommendation is relevant for those who plan to organize an exhibition career for their pet. The professional will be able to determine the prospects of the kitten, to evaluate its pedigree data. A simple lover is hard to do when a kitten is a couple of months old.

Do not start this breed, if you do not like active activities, the Japanese Bobtail will tire you quickly. They are not only impatient, but also talkers. Their meowing can be in several keys, and the "manner of execution" resembles a conversation. Bobtails, in turn, hate boredom and monotony. They need enough attention, games, caresses, otherwise they can turn from angels into real pests. So this breed is protesting.


You will be surprised, but many Japanese bobtails love to swim and swim! Their wool has the property not to get wet in the water. And care for the Japanese bobtail is the same as for any long-haired cat. During moulting without daily combing, do without. These cats do not have genetic diseases or addictions to health problems. On the contrary, they are very hardy and have stable immunity.

The food of the Japanese bobtail is also very simple. If you accustom a cat from birth to a natural healthy food, you will not have any problems with feeding. Porridge with meat and vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs - that's the usual diet of Japanese bobtail.

If you are determined to get a representative of this breed, think carefully about whether your character and way of life suits you. You start a cheerful, cheerful and curious friend, who is more likely to be more active than you would like, but the sincere love of the family and home is assured to you.