Ovarian cyst - what is it and what is it worth to be afraid of?

Oncological diseases of the reproductive system often do not give a clinical picture, which makes it difficult to diagnose them. Many symptoms are similar to the common phenomenon - hormonal failure. During the examination, it is possible to establish the true cause. Let's consider in detail such disease, as a cystoma of ovaries: what is it such as the pathology is shown.

Cyst and ovarian cyst

Often, women confuse this term with another common in gynecology - "cyst". In practice, this is not the same thing. If we talk about the difference between a cyst and a cyst, the following cardinal differences should be noted:

  1. Kistoma is a true tumor that develops directly from epithelial cells that grow into neighboring organs and systems.
  2. Cyst on ultrasound - a clear, one-chambered formation with smooth edges, thin walls. Cystoma on ultrasound has always less pronounced borders, tuberous edges, the thickness of the walls varies, there may be inclusions from other tissues inside.
  3. Kistoma does not stop its growth, slowing down in development only for a short period of time. The cyst can independently begin reverse development and disappear (functional cysts).
  4. The growth of the cystoma is due to the division of its cells, the cyst increases in size solely because of the stretching of its thin walls.
  5. The compression of neighboring organs and tissues occurs often with the formation of a cyst. Kistoma can spread to other tissues and organs, to give metastases, the rupture of cystoma is rare.

Ovarian cysts - classification

Having understood the term ovarian cyst, it is necessary to say that the neoplasm can be of different types. There are several classifications that take into account not only the size of the cystoma, but also the features of the course of the disease, the composition of education, the nature of the content. So, depending on the characteristics of the flow, the cystoma is divided into:

Depending on the content type, they are:

Depending on the type of lining of the internal cavity:

Mucinous cystoma

This type of formation is multi-dimensional in structure. Such types of cysts are diagnosed in women at any age, which indicates a lack of connection with the reproductive function. Frequency of occurrence increases in the post-menopausal period. The transition of this form of cystoma into cancer is noted only in 3-5% of cases, from all established.

It is separately accepted to distinguish such a variety as pseudomucinous cystoma. It is characterized by a similar symptomatology, but with careful instrumental examination it has differences. Pathology develops in the embryonic differentiation of embryonic leaflets. This is mainly a one-sided epithelial tumor of the ovary, round or ovoid, with a tight consistency, with an uneven surface.

Serous cystoma of the ovaries

Serous cysts have a single-chambered structure. The liquid filling them has a transparency, and often colored in straw color. This type of education is characterized by increased and rapid growth. So papillary cyst often reaches a diameter of 30 cm. Diagnosis of the formation is predominant in women 40-50 years. In this case, osteoporosis occurs in 10-15% of cases of pathology.

What is borderline cystoma of the ovary?

Separately, oncologists distinguish such a variety as borderline cystoma. Its name was given to this new formation due to the presence of separate signs of a benign and malignant tumor at the same time. Technically, they can not be attributed to benign because of frequent relapses when choosing an organ-preserving therapy. Border cysts occur more often in women of reproductive age. Certain factors influence their formation, among them:

Ovarian cyst - symptoms and treatment of a woman

Women who know about cystic ovaries do not always clearly show signs of pathology. Small in size kistoma does not give itself a long period of time. Often a violation is detected with a prophylactic examination of the pelvic organs. With an increase in the volume of up to 3 cm or more, the first symptoms appear. They begin with aching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Often pain gives in the groin, lumbar region. Ovarian cyst of large size is accompanied by:

Pore ​​exacerbations associated with a violation of the integrity of the cystoma, may be noted:

With such a disease as cystoma, treatment is possible only surgically. In the initial stages, organ-preserving operations are performed. Doctors remove only the affected areas of the ovary tissue. In this case, the gland itself remains functional. Extensive lesions require complete removal of the ovaries. In the early stages are effective:

Left ovarian cyst

The diagnosis of "cystoma of the left ovary" is more common in gynecological practice. This is due to anatomical location, printing of the gland. In addition, direct damage to the left ovary gives an obvious clinical picture, facilitates diagnosis. Such women complain about:

Cystoma of the right ovary

The cyst of the right ovary is often diagnosed at a late stage. The reason for this is the lack of a clear picture of the disease, symptoms. The tumor is detected with a preventive examination, a comprehensive examination of infertility. The pathological process proceeds identically in both glands. Rapid progression requires medical intervention, operation.

Removal of ovarian cyst

If the patient has an ovarian cyst in large sizes, the need for surgery is obvious. In this case, doctors advise to carry out removal of the tumor regardless of its size. So it is possible to prevent the possibility of transition to a malignant tumor. During the operation, remove the cyst, determine its nature, excluding malignancy.

The volume of the operation is determined by the size of the tumor, type, age of the patient. Often, the intervention is performed by a laparoscopic method. With serous cysts, a cystectomy is performed - the formation is removed, keeping the ovarian tissue. Mucinous cysts require resection of the affected gland - oophorectomy. After such an operation to remove the cystoma, the remaining iron becomes "responsible" for the childbearing function.