Fetal distress

The term "distress of the fetus" appeared in obstetric practice relatively recently. Distress syndrome of the fetus is spoken in the presence of any changes in the functional state of the fetus, including acute, and chronic intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, and the threat of fetal asphyxia.

Distress of the fetus is most often manifested in the form of hypoxia, which is a pathological physiological process. Symptoms that directly indicate that the child develops hypoxia, no. Palpitation of the baby does not directly indicate a lack of oxygen, the heart rhythm can change and reflexively.

If the pregnant woman has a suspicion of fetal distress, then she undergoes ultrasound, CTG, other studies evaluating the biophysical profile of the fetus.

Signs of distress include tachycardia or slowing of the heartbeat, a decrease in the number of movements of the child, a special reaction to the contractions.

Types of fetal distress

By the time of the onset, the distress of the fetus is divided into the following:

Symptoms of distress can develop on any term of pregnancy. The earlier a distress syndrome occurs, the worse for the fetus. In prognostic terms, distress after 30 weeks of pregnancy is the most safe, since it is possible to perform an emergency caesarean section.

If fetal distress occurs already in the early stages of pregnancy (for example, due to retrochoric hematoma ), then this may well lead to malformations in the child, impaired development or miscarriage.

Antenatal distress of the fetus in the 2nd trimester may cause a delay in intrauterine development and lead subsequently to miscarriage, pregnancy fading, or premature birth.

Distress of the fetus during labor, especially in their second period, is a serious obstetric problem, because it leads to an emergency cesarean section. In the event that the fetus in the uterus is already too low and fixed in the exit from the small pelvis, it is too late to resort to surgery. In this case obstetricians accelerate labor with the help of vacuum extraction, perineotomy and other methods that reduce the second period of labor.

In terms of the severity of fetal distress, the distress is divided into:

  1. Distress in the compensation stage - chronic distress, accompanied by hypoxia, delayed development, lasts several weeks.
  2. Distress in the stage of subcompensation - the presence of hypoxia, need help in the coming days.
  3. Distress in the stage of decompensation - the onset of intrauterine asphyxia, immediate help is required.

Consequences of fetal distress

With timely intervention, the consequences of distress are minimized. Otherwise, the child may die or be born in severe asphyxia , which can not but affect the state of his health in the future.