Canadian Sphynx - care and content

If you decide to have an unusual, thoroughbred cat, then, of course, first of all you need to study the characteristics of her nature, habits and how to take care of her. Care for the Canadian Sphinx and its contents are not difficult, given the specific features of this breed.

Contents of the Canadian Sphinx

Cats of exotic species, such as the Canadian Sphinx , seem to many to be fastidious and uneasy in their content, but this is far from the case. It is only necessary to take into account some physiological characteristics of these animals. First, these cats devoid of fur are easily soiled and sweated - their skin gives off a special waxy secret of brown color. This is probably a protective reaction of the cat's body. Therefore, the Canadian Sphynx should be bathed quite often or at least simply wipe with a damp cloth or sponge. For swimming, special shampoos for cats or baby shampoos with a pH of no higher than 5, 5.

Another feature of these cats is that they easily and quickly sunbathe in the sun. Therefore, their color changes in the summer to a more vivid and expressive. However, this animal can also easily burn, so do not let it stay in the sun for too long.

Caring for a kitten by a Canadian sphinx is similar to that required for adult cats, these animals do not cause allergies, so they are perfect as a gift for allergic people.

What to feed the Canadian Sphinx?

The food of the Canadian Sphynx and caring for it are quite simple. They are omnivorous cats, so they do not need any special, expensive products or special cooking recipes. It is important only to monitor the balance of nutrition for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. For feeding, you can use both ready-made dry mixes and cat food. When feeding with natural foods, you need to carefully monitor the freshness of foods and do not forget to introduce special mineral and vitamin supplements into the diet. You can combine several different types of food. Sometimes Canadian sphinxes show love for some exotic for cats products, for example, cucumbers or chocolate. They can also be given to cats as a treat. It should only not use large portions and monitor the state of the cat's well-being so that the joy does not go to its detriment.