Badyaga from bruises

Many people faced such a problem as bruises. This applies not only to athletes, but also to each of us. After all, even in a domestic environment, you can make yourself a bruise in a conspicuous place. Such a minor injury can spoil an important celebration or disrupt a long-awaited meeting. Therefore, you have to act quickly and efficiently. Our grandmothers are accustomed to clean the bruises with ice or vice versa - warmth. But this specificity does not help quickly restore normal skin color. Today, a bad guy from bruises is the first quick and qualitative method of treatment.

Badyaga from bruises in powder - what is it?

Badyaga - a kind of sponge, which lives exclusively in fresh water. It includes various organic substances, including phosphates and carbonates. It has obvious resolving characteristics, so this way of treating bruises has been used for a long time. Badyaga is used for the preparation of special ointments, powders and house solutions. For example, a badge from bruises gel can be purchased today in almost any pharmacy at an affordable price. As for the powder, it will be more useful to prepare such a mixture at home, using directly all the primary features of such a sponge. But, despite this, such a powder is also sold in the pharmacy and its use is no less useful in contrast to the gel.

Badyaga from bruises - when can I use?

Badyaga has special anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. When applying the gel to the affected area of ​​the skin relieves pain, itching and acts as an antiseptic. This gel is able to expand the blood vessels and improve blood circulation, thereby restoring the structure of the skin. In frequent cases, the badyag is prescribed not only for severe bruises and bruises, but also for severe skin rashes and inflammations . It is worth noting that the independent "appointment" of such an ointment can sometimes be mistaken, that is, there are side reactions. This is a kind of allergic rash. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended. Allergy to badyagh occurs quite often, especially on individual intolerance of some components.

Badyaga - the way of application

When applying a badyagi gel or powder on the skin, primary redness is possible. There is not a lot of skin irritation, so do not get upset at first, that something of the components does not suit you. It acts as a disinfectant and promotes rapid healing of open wounds. The same happens with bruises - there is a rapid resorption. Since the gel contains yarrow, there is a tonic effect and ointment prevents the spread of allergies. Here's how to apply the badyag:

  1. We put the gel on the place of the bruise or on the bruise and massaging movements carefully rubbed into the skin.
  2. This procedure should last at least half an hour, so that the substance is well absorbed.
  3. The remaining gel on the skin can be washed off with water or wiped with a damp cloth.
  4. For the treatment of bruises on the face, apply the gel for only 20 minutes after thoroughly washed with water.
  5. Bdjaga from bruises under eyes is used in the same way, thus the primary reddening is possible is a norm.

How to breed a badyard from bruises?

Since the banyag is sold not only in the form of a gel, but also in the form of a powder, its use in pure form is not allowed. Acquired powder requires special preparation, and after - use. Preparation:

  1. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, that is, two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of powder.
  2. In the resulting mixture, we moisten a cotton swab or a piece of tissue and apply it in a compress to the sore spot.
  3. The compress can be left overnight, and in the morning rinse the skin a little.
  4. This procedure can be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.