Bags under the eyes - causes and treatment

Even the most masterful make-up will not hide the swelling under the eyes, it will help to improve the appearance only by eliminating the problem itself. The causes of bags under the eyes and the treatment of this cosmetic defect are closely interrelated. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should know exactly why you faced this problem!

Causes of circles and bags under the eyes

On how to get rid of bags under the eyes, will tell the reasons. First and foremost, this increase in the volume of periorbital fiber, the purpose of which is to protect the eyeball from damage and provide the eyesight with adequate nutrition and thermal insulation. Also, the appearance of bags can cause a stretching of the membrane, which separates the fiber from the eye and some other factors:

Most of these factors are the cause of edema in the area of ​​fiber storage, so they can and should be managed independently. Red bags under the eyes, the cause of which in the hernia of the membrane, require treatment in the hospital and, possibly, surgery. Allergic reactions also need urgent medical advice.

Bags under the eyes - treatment at home

We are used to fighting edema with the help of diuretics, but if the disease is caused by kidney problems, the doctor should prescribe them. Independently you can correct the situation by such means:

  1. Restriction of the used liquid to the amount of 2 liters per day, as well as the rejection of salty and spicy dishes, positively influence the work of the excretory system. If your bags under the eyes appear in the morning and pass in the evening - these simple limitations will give effect in a few days.
  2. The refusal to drink alcohol, coffee and strong tea also positively affects the condition of periorbital fiber. But compresses of strong green tea under the eyes, on the contrary, will be very useful. The main thing - do not forget to cool the drink well before the procedure.
  3. Rest is the guarantee of health. Long work at the computer and the habit of reading in poor lighting not only spoil the eyesight, but also provoke the appearance of bags. The same is true for the lack of sleep. Try to give yourself and the body more indulgence.
  4. Running and jumping can cause sagging of the facial skin, including around the eyes. Give preference to static exercises and power loads.
  5. Very often, the cause of the appearance of swelling under the eyes is improper care. Remember: the eye cream should not get on the mucous eyes. It should be applied very lightly by tapping, since the soft skin in this place is easily stretched from friction and pressure.

The treatment of bags under the eyes of folk remedies often involves draining massage and compresses based on herbal decoctions with contrasting temperature. We do not advise you to resort to these remedies, as they are traumatic for the skin and vessels. It is much better to prepare a decoction of chamomile, or sage and freeze to ice. By rubbing the area with the swelling of such healing cubes, you can quickly improve the appearance of the skin under the eyes and remove swelling. Before the procedure, the ice should be melt a little, so that sharp corners do not scratch the skin.

If you find yourself, for example, a sack under the right eye, the reason for this is an allergy , then the treatment should be entrusted to the doctors. If the swelling is not accompanied by redness, it can be caused by the fact that you fell asleep on the right side, deeply drowning your head in the pillow. This swelling occurs on its own in a few hours.