Bathroom layout

An important issue that needs to be addressed before the repair is started is the bathroom layout. The way in which it will be located all the plumbing fixtures, as well as furniture and household appliances, already affects the first stages of finishing the room.

The layout of a small bathroom

The simplest solution for small bathrooms, and especially for the layout of a rectangular bathroom combined with a toilet, is the alignment of all the structures along one wall. With this arrangement closest to the door is usually a toilet bowl, then there is a sink with a cabinet under it and a mirror from above (in the closet you can place household chemicals and cosmetics, bath accessories, laundry basket or a small washing machine), and at the far wall - separated by a glass or a soft curtain.

In such a small bathroom, it may be advisable to also plan the bathroom with a shower , this will release a little space to the side of it.

The smallest number of options are those who carry out the layout of the kitchen and bathroom in one room. In this case, in the presence of a deaf wall, the bathroom moves close to it, or, conversely, moves closer to the center of the room.

The layout of a large bathroom

When planning a bathroom in a private house or a large apartment, you can afford to place all the necessary devices more freely. If the room is large and square, then in one room it is easy to install a corner bath in one corner, and in the other - a shower. On adjacent walls in this case, a toilet, bidet and countertop with two sinks are installed.

The layout of the bathroom with a window can be constructed as follows. The window is in the opposite wall from the entrance. Near the door on the sides there is a shower and a washing machine. Near the right side of the window are a toilet and bidet, at the left - a bathroom and a sink. This plan can also be mirrored.

In a large bathroom it is even possible to install a bath in the center of the room. This gives a very unusual effect of freedom and room in the room, but it is better to use the room in separate rooms with a toilet. This layout is also suitable for a bathroom in a wooden house, where the walls, even though treated with numerous impregnations, are still rotting and undesirable, so that they get a lot of water or water vapor.