Growing pepper in the greenhouse

Growing pepper in the greenhouse allows you to harvest vegetables at a time when the fruits in the open ground are not yet ripe or, conversely, the pepper collection season is over. Growing pepper in the greenhouse has its own characteristics, we note in the article the main ones.

How to grow pepper in a greenhouse?

Seed the seeds of pepper in the greenhouse in March. It is best to plant the peppers in a greenhouse in a moistened compost, observing the distance between the seeds 1 - 2 cm, so that the sprouts in the future do not interfere with each other. It is also possible to sow seeds in soil mixtures: peat, humus and turf in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Boxes with seeds sown are sprinkled with a thin layer of dry compost and covered with glass. Germination occurs at a temperature of +21 degrees.

Adult and strengthened sprouts dive into peat pots, subsequently periodically feeding plants and moderately watering them. The temperature in this period is maintained at about +18 degrees. Alternatively, it is possible to plant the pepper seedlings in the greenhouse. When buying seedlings, you should pay attention to how strong and stout the stems of the bush. It is very good, if the seedlings have a slightly bluish tint - this means that it is hardened, and the culture will grow more viable.

Pepper is a light-loving plant, best buds are formed at a 12-hour light-day. Insufficient illumination adversely affects its growth, vegetation and, ultimately, yield. If lighting is not enough in time, then it is necessary to arrange fluorescent lamp illumination. Another important condition for the successful growth of pepper is maintaining a stable temperature regime.

Formation of a pepper bush in a greenhouse

As soon as the pepper's shrubs begin to branch in the greenhouse, they are formed - they remove the apical buds of plants, and also eliminate the side shoots and leaves until the first fork. Pepper loves space, therefore, to obtain healthy bushes, it is desirable to maintain between them a distance of 40 to 50 cm. Taller bushes need a garter. To do this, set up trellises or racks, to which the bush neatly (so as not to damage!) Tied with a thick thread.

How to water pepper in a greenhouse?

Pepper is very demanding to comply with the irrigation regime: watering the plant is necessary infrequently, but abundantly. Leaves of seedlings will prompt when the bushes need watering. If the leaves look slightly wilted, then it signals that the plant is about to water. The top layer of the soil should be systematically loosened during drying.

Why does the pepper turn yellow in the greenhouse?

The problem of yellowing seedlings is related to the quality of the soil. Because of the lack of nutrients, the process of plant formation is disrupted, and the leaves turn yellow. Also, discoloration of the leaves can be caused by a low temperature of the soil or water for irrigation. Often yellowing of the leaves indicates a lack of certain elements: insufficient potassium - the leaves turn yellow and twist, the lack of nitrogen is manifested in the yellowing of the top of the plant and in the fact that the leaves become pale.

How to feed pepper in a greenhouse?

Agrotechnics recommend for fertilizing seedlings to use complex fertilizers produced by industry. For example, fertilizer "Aelita-vegetable" contains various micro- and macro elements, which pepper needs during the growing season. For the time of growing seedlings, top dressing is carried out at least 2 times. The first fertilizing is done 10 days after disembarkation. During the appearance of buds, nitrogen fertilizers should be introduced, and during the period of fruit formation potassium and phosphorus fertilizers should be introduced.

Important: the first fruit of pepper must be removed. This stimulates the culture to more active growth and faster formation and ripening of the fruit.