How to relieve nervous tension - tablets and vitamins from irritability and nervousness

The presence of emotions is a gift of nature to a person whom he actively uses throughout his life. Joy, resentment, surprise - without them the human life does not do, and non-emotional people do not cause sympathy of others. But recently, the level of negativity is growing in society, constant nervous tension is observed.

Causes of Nerve Tension

Any condition that causes weakening of the body leads to nervous breakdowns. The causes of nervous tension include:

Nervous tension - symptoms

It is established that the inhabitants of megacities and large cities are growing nervously mental stress, which has a destructive effect on the course of physiological processes and mental health . It splashes outward in two ways of behavior, depending on the general state of a person: passive and aggressive. Nervous overstrain is detected and manifests itself, in the first case, with the following symptoms:

Signs of nervousness of a person can be manifested in another version:

What can lead to nervous tension?

The system of human life is tuned to nervous loads, to the manifestation of which it adapts, and then restored. However, the possibilities of the psyche are not unlimited, and the defensive forces can gradually be depleted. If you do not deal with health with nervous overloads and stay in such a state for a long time, it leads to a distortion of the perception of the picture of the world, and the consequences of nervous tension will be much more serious than one might imagine. They quote:

How to relieve nervous tension in the home?

To save vitality and efficiency, a person needs to learn how to restore strength, not leading to nervous exhaustion . For this, it is necessary to know how to relieve the neuropsychic tension by safe methods and techniques, so that the exit from any situation is as quick and safe as possible. Frequently used and effective are:

How to relieve nervous tension - Exercises

To overcome stress and depressive states, there are ways to relieve nervous tension that can be used at home. Among them - physical and breathing exercises that help restore a normal psycho-emotional state, for example:

  1. Resistance . Put your hands in the lock behind your head and start pressing them against your neck while resisting the body.
  2. Antistress breathing . Sit on the edge of the chair, hands freely lowered along the body, raise the head up, sit in this position, counting to 10. After that, take a deep breath, bend to the knees while exhaling. In this position, take a breath, and on an exhalation straighten.

In search of an opportunity, how to relieve nervous tension, it is worth paying attention to breathing exercises that help to normalize the condition of a person experiencing constant overstrain. They relieve of systematic headaches, return vivacity, a healthy sleep, increase efficiency . Classes will take up to 20 minutes, and the energy will be added for the whole day. Here are two simple and effective movements:

  1. "Belly dance" is one of the main movements of the eastern choreography "wave", based on the drawing in of the belly on inhalation and relaxation - on exhalation. You can start with 3 actions, gradually bringing them up to 15-20. This exercise solves the problem of how quickly to relieve nervous tension.
  2. Abdominal breathing . Hands on the waist, inhale through the nose, count to 8, "inflating" the stomach. Full exhalation - through the mouth at the expense of 16, slowly let out the air, uttering the sound "c".

Massage from nervous tension

When it comes to massage, you need to know that there are different types of it: some relax, others stimulate, excite. To advise, what massage to do at nervous pressure the expert can. Accessible for all and not requiring special training is a spot - acupressure. It stimulates biologically active points and promotes the production of hormones of "good mood". But here you also need to be careful and follow the recommendations exactly.

  1. Chin massage . To get the effect, you need to massage the point in the center of the chin under the lip: nine movements clockwise, as much - in the opposite direction.
  2. Massage of fingers of hands . Mimble in circular motions alternately all fingers first on one hand, then on the other.

Preparations for the removal of nervous tension

In a number of ways to get rid of stress, taking medicines is not the last place. Drugs from nervous tension can be found in any pharmacy: most of them are sold without prescription. In serious cases, doctors recommend the use of psychotropic substances, which require a doctor's prescription. The simplest effective, having a soothing effect, are:

Vitamins in case of nervous tension

Weakness, low working capacity, irritation are forced to seek ways how to relieve nervous tension. But they are not always the result of stress and depression. In many ways, this condition is caused by a lack of vitamins in the diet. Depleted food negatively affects the performance and activity, although no one denies that vitamins with mental stress and nervous strain are extremely important. To maintain the body in working condition and get rid of stress , you need to take vitamins systematically:

Herbs that relieve nervous tension

We recommended not only pills for irritability and nervousness in the fight against nervous overexertion, but also medicinal herbs. Folk healers recommend to prepare tinctures of fees, which includes herbs from nervous tension. Here is one of these recipes, which can not be cooked.

Soothing decoction of herbs



  1. Mix components, pour hot water, insist 5 minutes and drink like tea.