Shungite water

Shungit water is an effective curative and preventive remedy, which is successfully used both in cosmetology and in medicine. The advantage of schungite water is that it can be done on its own.

Black stone shungite gives water a lot of useful properties, while neutralizing harmful and heavy substances.

Use of shungite water

Shungite water is used to treat and prevent many problems and diseases. It is recommended to take daily three glasses of patients with the following diseases:

This is the reason for this benefit of shungite water. She, getting into the body, reduces in it the content of histamine, which is responsible for allergic reactions manifested in edema, rashes and other things. Also, the drink is considered a national remedy against a hangover.

In cosmetology, shungite water has a fairly simple application: it is washed. Useful properties of the product have a great effect on the skin, it becomes clean and supple, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out, as well as acne.

Shungit water with a mass of beneficial properties is an effective remedy against certain diseases of the ENT organs, teeth and gums. So, for the treatment of the common cold, with colds, stomatitis, periodontal disease and throat diseases, water on the shungite is used as the basis of inhalations and rinses.

In order to make inhalation, it is necessary to heat the healing liquid to a high temperature, about 90-95o. Breathing in pairs is necessary for 5-7 minutes, and for best effect, you need to cover your head with a towel.

An unusual way of using shungite water is compresses. Gauze, is abundantly wetted in water, applied for 1-2 hours to a sore spot. Compress can decontaminate the damaged area and relieve pain, it also promotes the rapid healing of small wounds and burns.

Propolis on shungite water

Propolis is known for its useful properties, and in combination with curative shungite water is used as a universal remedy, it is used as:

Propolis on shungit water can remove vascular spasm, reduce the fragility of capillaries, reduce blood coagulability and deduce cholesterol. And this is not the whole list of useful properties of the remedy, so it is successfully used in almost all medical areas.

How to prepare shungite water?

Many, learning about the benefits of this simple tool, are beginning to learn how to make shungite water. Its recipe is quite simple:

  1. Prepare a clean glass jar or enamel cookware for three liters.
  2. Pour there the purified water and dip into it a thoroughly washed shungite, it can be a stone or rubble. The amount of schungite should be with the calculation of 100 grams per liter.
  3. Water is infused for three days. At the end of this time, gently take the dishes with a liquid, so that it does not shake, and pour into another container, but not all - without 500 grams, in which the shungite should remain together with sediment from harmful substances.

Black stone can be used again, the procedure is similar, while water will be just as useful as in the first case.

Contraindications to schungite water

Another advantage of schungite water is the absence of contraindications. But it is not recommended for patients with neoplasms, inflammatory diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In all other cases, water on the shungite will not bring any harm, but only benefit the body.