Ben Affleck recognized the facts of harassment in his life

The actor for a long time was among those who abstained from loud comments and accusations directed by director Brett Ratner and producer Harvey Weinstein in connection with allegations of sexual harassment and rape. However, the sexual scandal did not pass by Ben Affleck himself, as it turned out, many years ago he allowed himself "unnecessary" in communicating with actress Hilary Burton. Afraid of new revelations, but decided to speak live on the evening show of The Late Show with apologies and confession of guilt in harassment against women.

Hilary Burton

As the actor said, he admits that he behaved inappropriately towards Hilary Burton, sincerely regrets and apologizes. TV hostess of the evening show Stephen Colbert gave the opportunity for Affleke to make an open statement and address the screens to women:

"In my address, I've recently heard accusations of harassment. It is difficult for me to comment on this, because I do not remember some facts. The last time, the woman said that I touched her chest when I hugged. I am truly sorry if this fact took place. I want to believe that women who talk about such situations do not deceive or invent. I admit that we men should be more attentive to women and be more careful in their actions. "
Ben Affleck at The Late Show

Affleck acknowledged that the problem of violence exists not only in Hollywood, but also in other spheres of activity, so he understands this hype around the theme of harassment:

"We live at a time when we must accept and understand the equality between women and men. I am happy and proud that girls who have been subjected to violence find strength in themselves and open the underside of impunity for men. I regret that my name is also associated with such stories. I'm truly sorry. "

The presenter asked Affleck to comment on his attitude to Harvey Weintstein:

"I still do not believe in the reality of what is happening. Together we shot not one picture, it's "Clever Will Hunting", and "Shakespeare in Love", which I love very much. It is hard to imagine that at the time of filming of such pictures, terrible crimes were committed in the backstage. It's hard for me to stay away from what is happening. The only thing I could do is to donate money from filming in these pictures, organizations to combat violence. "
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As it turns out, Hilary Burton's accusations were not the only ones. Recently it became known that the actor showed increased attention to make-up artist Anne-Marie Tendler.