Bending of the uterus posterior and pregnancy

Most women begin to experience a joke if, during the next gynecological examination, they are diagnosed, which is associated with pathological changes in the structure of the genital organs. This is especially true when planning pregnancy or already existing fertilization. Widespread is a disease such as a cervical bend in the back, which does not cause any particular inconvenience to a pregnant woman, but requires careful monitoring of the process of gestation.

What is the bend of the uterus posterior?

This is the non-natural arrangement of female reproductive organs, in which the uterus is slightly tilted back from its standard location. This pathology is, as a rule, innate, but it can also be caused by external factors:

As a rule, symptoms of bending the uterus from behind are very painful menstruation, persistent leucorrhoea and spotting and constipation.

Bending the uterus back - how to get pregnant?

Such a diagnosis is not a contraindication to pregnancy, just a little complicating the process of fertilization. Conception at the bend of the uterus back requires the sexual partners to find the optimal poses for having sex , in which the uterus with appendages will move slightly forward. If the pregnancy does not occur for a long time, it makes sense to turn to a gynecologist who will advise a suitable position for making love, or read the relevant literature.

What if the uterus is located posteriorly with a bend?

Treatment of the bending of the uterus to the back is reduced to performing anti-inflammatory procedures, attending a massage at the gynecologist and practicing physiotherapy exercises. Most women are not even aware of the existence of such a deviation and quite successfully become pregnant and give birth. Of course, bending the uterus back and pregnancy is not the most ideal combination, but it is quite possible to bear and give birth to a child naturally.

If it was possible to establish a diagnosis even at the planning stage to make a baby, then the correct decision will be a regular visit to his treating gynecologist and the passage of the prescribed course of treatment. And then childbirth with the bending of the uterus back will not seem something unrealizable and terrible, which will greatly facilitate the process of carrying the long-awaited child.