Temperature after embryo transfer

Prolonged preparatory stage for IVF procedure and self implantation behind. On the hands of the doctor's recommendations regarding the further tactics of monitoring his body, among which special attention is paid to body temperature after the transfer of embryos. Oscillations of this indicator can indicate the most diverse processes taking place in the patient's body. Of course, a woman who wants to have a baby will be worried about the increased temperature after the transfer of embryos. Avoid unnecessary worries will help to know the necessary information on this issue.

Is normal temperature rise after the transfer of embryos normal?

The thermometer readings, which do not exceed the 37.5 mark, can be perceived quite calmly, since this acts as a kind of "protest" of the body to embryo the embryo as a body foreign to it. The temperature after the transfer of embryos may well mean that the pregnancy has already come, and it is not necessary to knock it down. The organism of the future mother is already beginning to adapt to the new position, balancing the immunity, reproducing the supporting hormones and so on. Even the temperature after embryo implantation can be the result of taking a huge amount of hormonal drugs and a sharp release of progesterone.

In any case, it is necessary to inform your doctor, since fever may signal an ectopic pregnancy or infection.

Indications of basal temperature after embryo transfer

Often clinicians of IVF clinics prescribe observation of rectal temperature data. However, these indicators are not a reliable factor in the presence of pregnancy, because the hormonal drugs taken distort the values ​​of degrees, as well as changes in body temperature. Therefore, keeping the basal temperature scale after embryo transfer is very difficult, but this does not relieve the patient from the obligation to keep a diary of measurements.