Reproductive function of the family

The reproductive function of the family is manifested in the ability to produce healthy offspring. In addition, as defined by the World Health Organization, the reproductive health of men and women is the possibility of regular sexual life cutting the risk of acquiring diseases that are sexually transmitted, planning pregnancy, ensuring the safety of the mother and child. According to experts, the main factor that characterizes the reproductive function of the family today is the ratio of fertility, the number of abortions and infertile couples.

Other indicators of reproductive health of the population:

Factors that destroy human reproductive health

The reproductive function of men and women is influenced by the atmosphere, the degree of air, water and land pollution, noise, dust, electromagnetic waves and radiation. Practice shows that in large megacities and industrial cities the health of newborns, as well as the woman's ability to conceive and be born several times lower than in those regions where the level of atmospheric pollution is not so high (small towns, villages and villages). Violation of reproductive health is also observed due to the action of some cosmetic products and household chemicals.

The main danger to reproductive health is alcohol and nicotine, the influence of which on the possibility of reproduction is often underestimated. Experts argue that the probability of the appearance of inferior children in families where both partners abuse alcoholic beverages, is almost equal to 100%. In 30% of cases, such couples are infertile.

The main problems of reproductive health

Reproductive health protection includes certain factors, methods and programs that solve the problems of reproductive functions and are aimed at improving the welfare of the family as a whole or a single individual. One of the main issues to date in the protection of the reproductive function of the family is the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Among the main: HIV / AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.

An equally important problem of protecting reproductive health is abortion, including criminal and risky, after which, as a rule, the rates of repeated pregnancies are rapidly heading to zero. Statistics show that the greatest number of abortions occur in women aged 18-25. Such data are particularly disappointing, because it is this category of women who are placed in hopes of increasing the birth rate. Medical sources report that 60% of abortions go through complications, 28% of which are infections of the genitals, 7% - prolonged bleeding, 3% - damage to the pelvic organs.

Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Reproductive functions in society are carried out by the family. It is the problem of the family that has recently become more relevant. The fact is that the birth rate is falling rapidly every year, which inevitably leads to a decline in the population.

The protection of reproductive health and family planning is now one of the priorities for any state. Within the framework of the concept on reproductive health protection, it is planned to take a number of measures, among which: