Analyzes when planning pregnancy - list

To easily endure and give birth to a beautiful, healthy and strong baby, you need to prepare well for pregnancy. If a man and a woman deliberately decided to become parents, they will have to give up smoking, alcohol and drug use, fully and nutritionally, and take a special complex of multivitamins and beneficial microelements.

In addition, when planning pregnancy, you will have to pass a whole complex of tests, both of which should be done by both spouses. Of course, the list of necessary research for a future father is shorter than for a future mother, but a man should not be frivolous about this issue, because both parents are responsible for the health of the baby. In this article, we will tell you which tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy in order to have a complete picture and in case of finding deviations take measures.

List of tests to be taken when planning pregnancy for women and men

The period of preparation for conceiving and bearing a child usually takes from 90 to 180 days. Meanwhile, if one or two spouses have chronic diseases, this period may be slightly increased. In the general case, the list of tests for mothers when planning pregnancy is as follows:

What tests do you need to give to a man when planning a pregnancy?

The future father should also undergo some tests, namely:

In addition, if conception does not naturally occur within a year, you may be asked to submit a set of assays for compatibility. Such studies are quite expensive, so they are made only as a last resort.