Socialization of the individual

In psychology, it is believed that a person is not born, but becomes a person. Proceeding from this, the process of socializing a person is the formation of a person from a child who is born, a full and full member of society. Socialization of the personality occurs through various mechanisms and methods. Each science of personality extols some specific mechanism. For example, pedagogy believes that the most important is the learning process, psychology puts on education, and sociology - on education and upbringing . It is not so important which of them is more right, it is much more important that all the mechanisms are fully absorbed at the stages of socialization of the personality.


This process of socialization is assimilated mainly in the family. It begins with the smallest - training to make a bed, get dressed, etc. Training includes both physical and mental skills. A feature of this process of socialization of the individual is the assimilation of the forms of role behavior, whose significance the person has grown, does not even realize.


Education can take place in kindergarten, school or university. This is a mechanism for the purposeful accumulation of knowledge of a different nature. Man, as a result, knows himself, the surrounding world, society, nature, the meaning of life .


Education is carried out in the family, school, through the media. On the one hand, this factor of socialization and personality formation determines the motives of human behavior, and on the other - moral facets, religiosity, consumer qualities, the worldview of the individual.

There are at least two other processes that promote socialization: protection and adaptation. Protection is a psychological process that helps to erase conflicts, differences in the internal and external world. With the help of psychological protection, human values ​​and external reality seem to reach a compromise.

Adaptation is the innate mechanism of man. Here there are two subjects - the person and the surrounding people. No wonder they say that you can get used to anything, because it is due to the adaptation mechanism that a person managed to survive in spite of changes in the world, the climate and less global "skirmishes" with surrounding people.

Stages of socialization

Many psychologists are convinced that socialization lasts a lifetime. At the same time, the stages and mechanisms of socialization of the individual in childhood and maturity are different. The goal of child socialization is the acquisition of values, the formation of motivation. And adult socialization is aimed at acquiring skills.

There are three stages of socialization, as a factor of personal development:

However, some psychologists argue that adult socialization is not a continuation of children's stages, but, on the contrary, their eradication. That is, adult socialization means that a person studies get rid of children's installations. For example, getting rid of the idea that his desire is a law, or from the idea of ​​having an omnipotent, inviolable authority.

In any case, the process of socialization is important set of a huge number of factors. Including heredity and innate traits, as well as society, culture, the experience of the individual as a member of the group, and at the same time, an individual, unique personal experience. Proceeding from this, it becomes obvious that different societies require different skills, which confirms that the process of socialization of the person can be infinite and be "neglected" at the right time.