Flaxseed oil - benefit and harm, how to take for maximum efficiency?

As a result of processing of seeds of flax oil is obtained, which has great benefits for the body. The main value is a unique chemical composition that includes numerous valuable substances. Flaxseed oil is a benefit and harm, how to take this product is an important topic, in which it is necessary to understand that people's treatment has helped, not harmed.

Flaxseed oil - benefits for women

The positive effect of the product on the body has long been proven by scientists, through numerous experiments. They found that with regular use it is possible to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Many doctors recommend their patient to use it for cooking different dishes, for example, dressing salad. Flaxseed oil - a benefit for the woman's body:

  1. It is recommended in the treatment of various female diseases: PMS, menopause, endocrine infertility and other problems.
  2. Regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces pain.
  3. It maintains the level of progesterone and estrogen and promotes natural ovulation.
  4. Positively acts on the activity of the nervous system, helps to cope with bad mood , insomnia and other problems.
  5. Diabetics help reduce blood sugar.
  6. Promotes the strengthening of immunity, helping to cope with various diseases.
  7. Improves the skin, making it soft and moisturized, and even hair and nails.

How to take flaxseed oil for medicinal purposes?

To treat folk remedies gave the desired results, it is recommended to first visit a doctor who should individually choose the length of the course. There is a universal way how to drink flaxseed oil inside, the use of which is huge for a person, so the daily rate is 25-30 g, and you need to drink before eating.

How to take linseed oil from constipation?

Stool retention is a common problem that occurs for various reasons and brings a lot of discomfort. Useful properties are the ability to strengthen the walls of the intestine and improve motor skills. Favorably affects the activity of the digestive system, helping the remains of food to be better split. How to take flaxseed oil as a laxative for gaining benefits:

  1. If problems with the stool are worried regularly, then take 4 g after awakening on an empty stomach. When drinking a pure product is difficult, mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey and add natural yogurt without fillers. Such a drug is better to use before bedtime;
  2. There is one more regimen: 4 g on an empty stomach before breakfast and in the evening after a meal. Dosage is recommended to gradually increase, bringing it to 12 g.

How to take linseed oil from cholesterol?

Vital health is affected by many factors, for example, the use of harmful food, smoking, alcohol and others. The most common disease is atherosclerosis, which develops against a background of increased cholesterol. Reduce its number, and at the same time, the risk of developing problems with the cardiovascular system is easy with the help of flax oil, which is an excellent alternative to statins. The level of triglycerides in the blood is also normalized. How to take linseed oil with high cholesterol:

  1. They drink it twice a day: before breakfast and a few hours before bedtime.
  2. The daily norm is 24 g, but start with a small dosage.
  3. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months. To the body was not harmed, you need after this to take a break for 3 weeks, and then, the course is allowed to repeat.

How to take linseed oil for gastritis?

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an enveloping effect is useful, which allows you to get rid of the pain and reduce the manifestation of other unpleasant symptoms. With heartburn and gastritis, the presence of polysaccharides, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, also helps. Helps to accelerate the healing and repair of the mucosa. Flaxseed oil for heartburn - how to take it right:

  1. In the morning and in the evening it is necessary to drink 4 grams, and after three days, increase the dosage to 8 g. Only after a couple of days it is allowed to bring the consumed amount to 12 g.
  2. There are people who can not bring themselves to drink, then mix it with a decoction of St. John's wort, which is also useful for gastritis.

How to take flaxseed oil for the liver?

The rich composition causes the presence of pronounced hepatoprotective and choleretic effect, so doctors recommend using it to clean the liver. Considering the presence of phospholipids and antioxidants, it helps to restore the cells of this organ, removing harmful substances. How to take flaxseed oil, the benefit and harm of which is known for cleaning the liver - is a serious matter, so you should take into account the recommendations:

  1. Preliminary consult with a doctor, since there are rarely negative consequences. Flaxseed oil for the liver, the benefit and harm of which has long been proven, can not be used for serious diseases of the body. This is due to the high density.
  2. Use the medication only once a day for 20 minutes. before breakfast. Dosage is 4-12 g. Due to this, the gallbladder will be easier to empty.

How correctly to take linseed oil for weight loss?

To cope with extra pounds, change the food, removing harmful food from it, reducing calories. To help the body and improve the result, use flax oil, which normalizes metabolism, splits fat and takes it out. Do not forget about the mild laxative effect and the decrease in appetite. To get the claimed benefit, you need to know how to take flaxseed oil to lose weight.

  1. 3-4 days before the start of the intake, give up salt and fatty foods to prepare the body and not cause harm.
  2. It takes a month to take the medication. During the first two weeks the dosage is 4 g twice a day. Then increase the amount to 12 g.
  3. The first method is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with water. It is allowed to eat food after 40 minutes. The second time they take oil two hours before bedtime. In order not to harm the body, after eating must pass a minimum of an hour.

How to take flaxseed oil in bodybuilding?

People who are intensely engaged in sports should strengthen their health, which directly affects nutrition. The benefit is to accelerate the recovery process after the power loads and sprains, and in increasing muscle strength. Another helps to improve the process of burning fat , so that the relief is better marked out. Flaxseed oil for athletes - how to take:

  1. When practicing sports, it is recommended to take the product courses, lasting 1-2 months, and then, the same break is done.
  2. During the first month, the daily dosage is 12-25 g, and after the amount decrease to 4-8 g.
  3. It is best to drink in the morning on an empty stomach, but it is also allowed to be added to the food.

How to take flaxseed oil in capsules?

For many people it is difficult to take a pure product, because it has a bitter taste. This deficiency is not found in the capsules that are in the pharmacy. They are easy to swallow, washed down with water. Another advantage - the purity of the drug, and thanks to the use of the gelatin shell, the expiration date increases. Flaxseed oil in capsules, the use of which is identical to the liquid version, is taken according to certain rules.

  1. You can not drink the additive with hot drinks and combine with laxatives and tea for weight loss.
  2. Take the drug in the presence of any health problems, it is necessary according to the individual scheme, which is prescribed by the doctor, so that the treatment does not cause harm.
  3. The general scheme of reception looks like this: 3 capsules during breakfast and dinner. The course is 1-2 months, which can be repeated every six months.

Harm to linseed oil for the body

Products of plant origin have their contraindications, which must be taken into account in order to receive only benefit from such treatment. The oil must be used correctly, as a loss of useful properties occurs and becomes dangerous.

  1. The toxicity and harm of flaxseed oil is due to the rapid oxidation process, so do not keep it for long in the open air and do not heat it.
  2. An incompatibility with some medications that dilute blood and reduce cholesterol is noted, so it is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment to avoid harm to the body.
  3. Restrict intake to women in position and with breastfeeding. In order to avoid harm to the product, consult a doctor.
  4. It is forbidden to drink it with cholecystitis, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and problems with bile ducts.
  5. When the dosage is exceeded, side effects occur.

Benefits and harm, how to take flaxseed oil and other issues related to this product better, are considered, but remember that any treatment, especially when using folk remedies, should be under the supervision of a doctor. To feel the benefit of this product, you just need to apply it more often in cooking, adding to salads, snacks and other dishes.