How much should a child eat in 3 months?

Momochke kids of the first year of life always cares about the question - how much should the child eat at 1,2,3 months, and so on. The older the newborn becomes, the less relevant this aspect has.

Perhaps, this is the most burning issue, because it depends on whether the child is eating, depends on the general condition of the baby, its development and mood. But not only lack of food can be under close scrutiny, but also its overabundance. This is especially true for large children.

Practical differences between types of feeding

For babies and on artificial and breastfeeding, how many ml of food the child eats at 3 months, the figure by the rules is equivalent. That's only in practice, it often turns out that the amount of food per day and at a time in these children is different.

That is, the baby can suck very little milk for one feeding, but it is applied to the breast much more often than feeding the same baby from the bottle. But the artificer eats less often due to the fact that the mixture is more caloric and nutritious.

It is somewhat more difficult to control the baby, because the mother does not see how much milk it sucks. Therefore, if there is a need for control, you need to purchase special baby scales to weigh the baby before and after feeding.

How much milk (mixture) does the child eat in 3 months?

As already mentioned, in the medical literature, breast milk by quantity is equated to the mixture and, based on this, we will consider the figures below. There are several ways to find out how much a baby should eat in 3 months, and each of them pretends to be the leader. But it's best to try using them at the same time to get the average result.

The calculation in relation to the body weight of the child tells us that at the age of two to four months the baby must eat 1/7 of its weight. That is, if a child at this age weighs 6 kg, then he drinks 0.85 ml of the mixture or milk per day.

It should not be discounted that a larger baby requires more food, and a premature or just a small child can suck and less than normal. The older the child becomes, the higher this ratio will be.

The following calculation is based on the volume of food, based on the growth and weight of the baby. For an average baby at the age of three months, from 900 to 1050 ml of food per day is laid, which is divided into the required number of feedings (5-6 times a day).

If we take into account the energy needs of the child, then the norm for a three-month-old baby will be 115 kcal per day, multiplied by kilograms of mass.

But when the age of a child is taken into account, then starting from two months it is considered that he should eat 800 ml of food. After that, every month to this figure should be added to 50 ml, that is, in 3 months you need 800 + 50 = 850.

For large, actively developing children at the age of three months, the calculation is slightly different, differing from the ones with average weight and height. So, starting from 1 month, when such a strong eat 800 ml, add 50 ml again, so in 3 months the norm will be 900-950 ml.

If the kid is cheerful, cheerful and well gaining weight, there is no reason for excitement. Make sure the normal amount of breast milk can be done with the help of a long-known test for wet diapers. For his conduct, the child for a day is left without the usual disposable diapers and swaddles.

If for a set time (day) you got from 12 to 18 wet diapers, then do not worry about how much the baby should eat at 3 months, since its food is normal.