Useful properties of green tea

If you approach advertising with at least a minuscule amount of criticism and common sense, you will understand that once the benefits of green tea are so widely advertised, it means that someone is profitable. Alas, the producers (the "tea" magnates of the Celestial Empire) slightly bend the stick with the benefit of the eastern drink. Useful properties of green tea, of course, exist, but, what about the harm that a single medicine can not do without?

We will, of course, start with a pleasant and useful.

The benefits of "green" tea drinking

Nutritionists recommend drinking 4-6 cups of green tea a day. It turns out that only this fact can save 5 kg a month, and all this without changing the diet . There is one "but" here. Before thinking about whether green tea promotes weight loss, be puzzled not only to drink compulsorily, but to replace this drink with all other types of liquids (except water, of course). If you instead of sodas with sugar and without, milk, black tea, coffee, juices will drink green tea without sugar, you really lose 5 kg per month.

In addition, to the beneficial properties of Chinese green tea (after all, China - the main producer of this drink) can be attributed to the enhancement of heat transfer. That is, the body temperature rises, and with it the rate of fat burning. You also need to say a word about the diuretic properties that relieve swelling and the ability of green tea to lower blood sugar, and hence appetite.

Let's briefly describe the benefits of green tea:

Liver, kidney and green tea

The benefits of green tea for the liver we mentioned above - the drink protects our natural filter from toxins. This is true and easily confirmed by the composition of green tea - namely, antioxidants, which fight aging of the body, improve its regeneration, increase protective functions.

However, more does not always mean better. Fans of fitness and healthy lifestyle firmly decide to drink only green tea, for it is very useful. As a result, most of them are on a doctor's appointment with stones in the kidneys and liver.

The reason is that there are a lot of polyphenols in green tea. It is they that increase heat exchange and promote weight loss, but they also lead to the doctor's waiting room. Polyphenols are antioxidants of plant origin, accumulate and poison the body, causing changes in the tissues of the liver and kidneys.

The only way out is not to drink more than a couple of cups of tea a day (which will be really useful), and the problem does not threaten you.

Green tea for beauty

Now it is very fashionable to take all sorts of extracts, extracts, dietary supplements based on green tea. With uncontrolled intake of such supplements, the effect will be exactly as described above - stones in the kidneys and liver.

The most harmless is the use of a medicinal drink outside, in the form of baths for velvet skin. To do this, 1 tsp. pour a liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Pour the tea leaves into a bath and immerse in "green" water for 15 minutes. Your skin will become much more elastic from the first time.


Green tea, as an over active drink, is contraindicated in breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women, simply because its healing properties may be too powerful for your baby.

In addition, green tea contains caffeine ! With cardiovascular disease, its reception should be excluded. Also, with care, you need to treat him and those who have low blood pressure. At first, consume no more than 1 cup a day, because the body, not accustomed to its composition, can be brought to faint. Then, there is an addiction, and green tea is no longer threatened with sharply decreased blood pressure.