Itching in the anus

Discomfort and discomfort in the anus can be of concern to many. This phenomenon is often provoked by non-compliance with hygiene rules or serious internal diseases. Itching in the anus can adversely affect the patient's work activity, psychological state and relationships with others.

Causes of itching in the anus

Consider a number of the most frequent pathological conditions that may be accompanied by the appearance of this symptom:

  1. Predisposition to allergies and dermatoses can cause itching. Allergy occurs in response to the powder used to wash clothes, with insufficient hygiene, when using toilet paper with flavors and other additives.
  2. The occurrence of bleeding with the appearance of itching suggests the presence of microcracks, fistulas, polyps and the development of benign formations.
  3. The itching in the anus at night indicates the presence of pinworms . This condition is most typical for children who do not wash their hands and consume contaminated vegetables and fruits. Bad sleep, anxiety and anxiety also indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
  4. With discomfort, people who suffer from excessive body weight may experience it. Excessive perspiration and rubbing of the skin folds, the appearance of diaper rash, all this causes a constant itching in the anus.
  5. This condition is also explained by internal pathologies. Among them, there is a worsening of the metabolism caused by diabetes mellitus. In addition, lead to burning in the anus can liver disease, dysbiosis, in which irritation occurs due to the departure of stool.
  6. Various infections of the genitals cause itching in the anus. In women, the most common problem is thrush, often there is candidiasis. Fungal lesions from the vagina can spread to the anus because of their proximity.
  7. If, simultaneously with a strong itching in the anus, the sensation of a foreign object is noted, then this condition indicates the development of hemorrhoids. Especially dangerous are inflammations occurring in the rectum and growth of tumors.
  8. Nervous tension, constant stress and excessive anxiety activate skin reactions. As a result, the effect of any factor can provoke skin irritation.

How to treat an itch of anus?

The decision to conduct this or that therapy is taken only after the cause of the disease has been determined. Thus, treatment will involve the elimination of the underlying disease. The patient is prescribed drugs against dysbiosis , helminths, candidiasis.

To combat hemorrhoids, anal fissures are prescribed the appropriate combination therapy.

If the cause is covered in dermatoses, the doctor may prescribe Hydrocortisone and salicylic ointment.

If a patient has an allergy or mental disorder, then he is prescribed antihistamines and sedatives.

If the problem is caused by the activity of fungi, antifungal ointments will help:

To prevent unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to change synthetic linen to natural fabrics, since they easily pass air without causing sweating.

If the itching of the anus is associated with internal pathological processes, then the treatment involves their elimination. To ease the condition, creams and ointments are used, but you need to remember that the effect of this will be short-lived, since only the elimination of the underlying ailment will help to solve the problem.