Boiled corn in pregnancy

Everyone knows this cereal culture from childhood. Many adults and children are very fond of pampering themselves with boiled cobs of corn. This product is very nourishing, tasty, and contains a lot of nutrients. Future moms, afraid of harming her baby, very much follow their diet. In an interesting position, there are dishes that are familiar, but using them raises some questions. One of these products during pregnancy is cooked corn, and whether it is worth using, a question that will help doctors and biologists.

What is rich in gold cobs?

Nutritionists explain the usefulness of cooked corn for pregnant women and for people who do not carry a baby in the heart. The fact is that the composition of this cereal culture is very rich. It contains vitamin A, which improves vision, vitamin E or a vitamin of beauty, which is known to many women. It affects the good mood and work of the muscular system, and is also an excellent antioxidant. It is believed that it is he along with vitamin A that can protect the fetus from the harmful effects of the environment. In addition, corn contains vitamins H and B4, and trace elements: iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

In addition to the above, boiled corn during pregnancy is recommended as an environmentally friendly product. The fact is that when growing in the cob there are no chemicals that are used to fertilize this culture.

Corn for diseases

A tangible role is played by gold cobs and stigmas in medicine. The benefit of boiled corn for pregnant women, and not only, is the prevention of chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver, nephritis, epilepsy, gout.

However, there is this remarkable culture and contra-indications with which it is worth agreeing. These include the following diseases:

Is it possible to boil corn during pregnancy, if a woman has excess weight, gynecologists explain - it is impossible. This is due to the fact that, although she is considered to be an easily digestible product, but at the same time, its caloric value is 124 kcal per 100 g, which is quite a lot.

If you consider the benefits and harm to pregnant women from boiled corn, then of course, the first can be talked for a very long time, but it will manifest itself quickly enough: when a toxicosis occurs. It is believed that corn perfectly fights this undesirable symptom when using just one cob per day. If a woman does not have the aforementioned diseases, then the doctors did not find any harm in using this culture. But opponents of starchy foods believe that it generally should not be included in their diet.