How many calories are in the apple?

Apple is one of the most common and one of the most popular dietary products. This fruit is a valuable natural source of a whole complex of the most useful substances. Eating an apple every day, you enrich your body with basic minerals and trace elements.

Composition of apples

As a rule, the vitamin composition of apples depends on the variety, the conditions of growth and the place of cultivation. But the differences concern only the number of elements and minerals.

Nutritional value of one medium apple




Also, apples are very rich in pectin, tannins, unsaturated fatty acids, organic acids and starch. But most of all in the apple contains water, so this is an excellent dietary product.

How many calories in 1 apple?

Apple is considered one of the most low-calorie foods. How many calories are contained in an apple depends on the variety. The lowest caloric content is possessed by acidic apples, on 100 g only 37 kcal. Also, how many calories in an average apple depends on the color. For example, 100 g of green apple contains about 40 kcal, and red is 45 kcal.

Useful properties of apples

Everyone knows that the content of useful substances in the apple is very high. And, of course, the consumption of this fruit saturates our body with all these microelements in full:

You can list all the useful properties of this delicious fruit for a long time. By the way, the main part of all microelements and vitamins is contained under the skin, so there is an apple better with it. But it is worth remembering that nitrates can accumulate in the peel, and they have a very negative effect on the body. Therefore, if you have to buy apples in a shop, you should clean the fruit before eating.

Apples in the diet

Knowing how many calories are in the apple, many try to include this fruit in a diet. Today is very popular, so-called, unloading days . This type of diet helps to remove excess fluid from the body and helps its purification.

To do this, during the day you should eat one and a half kilograms of apples, other foods on this day should be deleted. A small part of these fruits can be baked. By the way, how many calories in a fresh apple we know, but in baked a little more, about 60 kcal per 100 g, so most of the fruit is still eaten fresh. Such a diet will be very useful for people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder and intestines. But remember, with ulcers of the stomach you can not use acid varieties of apples.

Due to the fact that the apple has a minimum of calories, these fruits are used for weight loss. Helps to say goodbye to overweight the next diet.

During the day, you need to eat 5 large apples and 4 medium carrots, but not at once, but in several receptions. And the products can be in any form: boiled, fresh, shredded, etc. And that the result was more effective, instead of water it is better to drink carrot-apple juice. You can eat and eat apples in unlimited quantities, they will not harm the figure in any way, but, on the contrary, will bring invaluable benefit to the body and help get rid of excess kilograms. Only people with a strong gassing in the intestine, this fruit is contraindicated.