Linseed porridge - good and bad

Every day this dish is enjoying increasing popularity not only among fans of a healthy lifestyle, but also with those who like to eat deliciously. About the benefits and harm of linseed porridge is said already a lot, let's understand, on what is based the opinion of nutritionists about this dish.

What is useful for linseed porridge?

This product contains fatty acids necessary for a person who wants to preserve their health and beauty. Fatty acids help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them more elastic. Vitamins A , B and C help to maintain the immune system, and zinc, silicon, calcium and chromium contribute to the normal functioning of the endocrine system, help to strengthen bone tissue.

The use of linseed porridge for the human body is also in the fact that regular use of the product contributes to the reduction of cholesterol , and reduces the risk of the formation of so-called plaques. Reducing blood sugar is another positive effect that specialists give out, which is why they recommend including this mess in their diet.

Separately it is necessary to tell about advantage of linen porridge for women. The dish contains plant hormones, so he is advised to eat in the menopause period, since it will help normalize the hormonal background. This will improve not only well-being, but also the skin and hair condition, the elasticity of the epidermis will increase, as collagen synthesis will increase. Breastfeeding mothers, too, can and should eat this dish, during lactemia, vitamins and fatty acids are simply necessary, and the fact that the porridge contains a lot of protein helps to strengthen the body.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of linseed porridge, it is not recommended only to those who have an allergy to it. All the rest of this dish will only benefit.