Irritation on the labia

At least once in life, every woman encounters irritation of the skin and mucous labia. Usually such irritation does not indicate the presence of serious pathological processes and quickly passes, but the probability of gynecological, venereal and even neoplastic diseases is not excluded.

The most common causes of irritation on the labia

In the overwhelming majority of cases, itching, irritation and reddening of the labia are a consequence:

Irritation of the skin and mucous labia as a symptom of the disease

Irritation on the labia with their subsequent inflammation cause fungal infections (fungi of the genus Candida), bacterial (streptococci, staphylococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas, E. coli), less often viral (herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus) origin.

If other pathological processes (swelling of the lips, unnatural discharge, pruritus and burning of the external genitalia, pain during urination, etc.) are observed in addition to strong irritation of the large and small labia, it can be assumed that the stimulus itself is only a consequence of the existing the body of a woman more serious pathology. This is in particular inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:

The irritation of the mucous labia often speaks of the inflammation of the bartholin glands. Bartholin glands are located at the base of the labia majora, as a result of their blockage, irritation develops, and then the inflammation of the area around the labia minora.

Infringement of a microflora of a vagina gives to know about itself plentiful slimy gray-green secretions with a sharp fetid smell. These discharge from the vagina sometimes cause severe irritation on the labia.

In pregnancy, itching and irritation of the labia often indicates the presence of candidiasis (thrush). In this case, there will be other symptoms characteristic of thrush, in particular white curdled discharge.

It is important to remember that if the irritation in the labia remains for more than 7 days, it gives the woman considerable discomfort, and the tendency to disappear is not observed - it is worthwhile to see a doctor, most likely he will recommend an analysis for hidden sexual infections.

How to eliminate irritation of the labia?

Usually, all that is required to eliminate irritation on the skin and mucous of the labia is the elimination of the provoking factor (replacement of hygiene products or underwear, temporary or complete refusal to depilation, compliance with personal hygiene rules). To remove a strong irritation on the labia helps the bath with broths of herbs: chamomile, string, nettle, yarrow, bark of oak.

But it is important to understand: before you treat irritation on the labia, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. No bath with chamomile will not help if irritation is caused, for example, by thrush or venereal disease. In this case, naturally, you need to treat the root cause.