Pork tenderloin dishes

Today we will tell you how delicious to cook pork tenderloin and offer several options of dishes from it. Such meat always turns out soft, tender and fragrant. It does not require long marinating before baking in the oven in a whole piece and is cooked in a matter of minutes if fried in medallions.

Pork tenderloin - recipe for cooking in the oven with honey and mustard



For cooking in the oven, pork tenderloin is washed with cold water and dried from excess moisture, using paper towels or napkins. Now we rub the meat generously with salt, black pepper (ideally freshly ground), and also flavored with your favorite dry aromatic herbs.

We leave the meat piece for a few minutes, but for now we are preparing a honey-mustard pickle. To do this, simply combine honey in the dish and Dijon mustard, add also lemon juice, salt, peeled and squeezed garlic cloves through the press and mix thoroughly.

We lining the baking container or baking tray with a foil cut, place the prepared pork on it and water it and rub it with marinade on all sides. After that, tightly seal the foil to keep all the moisture inside, and leave under room conditions for about forty minutes. After a while, put the workpiece into a warm oven. The first thirty minutes bake the dish at 200 degrees completely sealed, then turn the edges of the foil and let the meat brown for another twenty minutes, watering it from above with occasional juices.

Fried medallions of pork tenderloin



Than fresh pork tenderloin, the more tender, fragrant and softer will the resulting fried medallions. Therefore, we do not recommend using ice cream for this dish.

When preparing, rinse a whole piece of pork tenderloin with cool water, dry it carefully to remove excess moisture, and cut into slices across fibers about a half centimeter thick. Immediately put the pan warmed up, pour a little olive oil into it. Fry the meat for two minutes on one side and then on the other side, after which we put it on a plate, pour it on, pepper with two kinds of pepper and season it with your favorite sauce.