How many days are menstruation?

Regular menstrual discharge, which has a normal duration and intensity, is an indicator of the excellent health of a woman or girl, and also that she is able to conceive and bear a child. Any deviations from the norm in this case can indicate both minor violations in the body of a beautiful lady, and serious diseases.

That is why, in order to understand whether everything is good with your female health, in most cases it is enough to independently assess the abundance and regularity of bleeding. In this article, we will tell you how many days the girls and women are normally on a monthly basis, and in which cases it is necessary to sound an alarm.

How many days should be monthly?

The normal duration of menstrual flow from the genital tract of a woman is from 3 to 7 days. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the organism of each of the fair sex is individual, and these figures may slightly differ both in the large and in the smaller side.

So, if a woman has eight full days of life throughout her life and always starts at regular intervals, there is nothing to worry about, and this is just an individual feature of her body. If earlier the duration of such secretions was no more than 5-6 days, but unexpectedly increased to 8-9 days, the body gives an alarm signal, therefore it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Possible causes of deviations

Unexpected increase or decrease in the duration of critical days, as well as their constant volume, not corresponding to normal values, can signal the presence in the body of a beautiful lady of the following problems:

Of course, all these reasons can not be identified independently. If the nature of your menstrual cycle does not correspond to the norm, and also if it suddenly changes, you should consult a qualified gynecologist who will perform a detailed examination and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

It is worth noting that all this does not apply to young teenage girls who are just acquainted with such a concept as "monthly". For such young men, the menstrual cycle will be "tuned" for a rather long time, therefore it is necessary to wait a certain time until it is established.

How many days are the first months for girls?

Usually the first menstruation in a teenage girl is rather weak and short. In the vast majority of cases, bloody discharge for the very first time lasts only 2-3 days. Meanwhile, the duration of this period is affected by a huge number of factors, in particular, the age of the girl, the features of her physique, general health, the presence of chronic diseases and so on.

The second and subsequent menstruation usually lasts from 3 to 5 days, but here everything is also just individually. Since the process of producing female hormones in the body of a teenage girl stabilizes within 1-2 years, during the whole period of time various deviations from the norm are allowed, which should not cause panic and do not require medical advice.