Curd from kefir at home - 8 simple ways to make a sour milk product

Curd from kefir at home is not difficult to prepare. A little time, minimum effort, and get a very useful sour-milk product. It can be safely offered even to kids, because in its freshness and quality you can be completely confident.

How to make cottage cheese from yogurt?

Curd from kefir to cook very simply and quickly. But to make the final product tasty, you need to know some simple rules. The recommendations below will help make your home cottage cheese as tasty and useful as possible.

  1. Kefir mass in any case can not be brought to a boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out to be rubber.
  2. The warmed-up mass must first be cooled, and then decant.
  3. Curd from kefir comes out more sour. And if you use milk and kefir, then the taste of the original product will be more gentle.
  4. The fatter kefir used, the softer and more gentle the cottage cheese will turn out.

Homemade cottage cheese from milk and yogurt - recipe

Cottage cheese from milk and yogurt can cook even a beginner who only understands the basics of culinary art. It is most convenient to start the preparatory activities from the evening. Then until the morning milk with kefir stays, and it will only be to warm the mass and strain the curd. From the indicated amount of components, about 300 g of cottage cheese and 1 liter of whey will be obtained.



  1. Pour the milk and kefir into a saucepan and leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, place the saucepan on a small fire and stir until the state when white flakes start to separate from the whey. In this case, the contents of the pan should not be hot, but warm.
  3. The colander is covered with gauze, pour the resulting mixture and leave to make the glass serum. It takes about half an hour.

Curd from kefir in the freezer

Cottage cheese from frozen yogurt is prepared, probably the easiest. The finished product is very plastic and delicate. There are no grains in it. It is not dry, but moderately moist. On a consistence such cottage cheese reminds a dense cream. From 3 liters of kefir, about 600 g of cottage cheese and 2 liters of whey will be obtained at the output.



  1. Kefir is poured on containers with a lid or on packages and cleaned in a freezer until the moment when kefir completely freezes.
  2. Remove the kefir ice, lay them on a dense cotton cloth and tie it.
  3. Suspend the resulting design, and put a bowl for the serum.
  4. About a day later, the curd of frozen kefir at home will be ready.

Curd from sour kefir

If it happened that in the refrigerator stagnant kefir, and it is prooxide, you do not need to get upset, and even more so do not pour it. You can make a wonderful cottage cheese from an overdue yogurt. The only thing that its taste can be a bit sour, but it's not a problem. This point can be corrected by adding sugar, honey or jam to taste.



  1. In a saucepan pour kefir and place it in another large pot of water.
  2. Place the construction on a small fire and heat it.
  3. When the water in the bottom saucepan boils, the yogurt begins to fold.
  4. As soon as the whey is separated, the smaller pot is removed and its contents are poured into a colander lined with gauze.
  5. As soon as the whey dries, the curd from kefir at home will be ready for use.

Curd from kefir in yogurtnitsa

Homemade cottage cheese from yogurt is very easy to prepare with yogurtnitsy. It's very fast and convenient. One moment - the power of all the instruments is different, so the exact time it will take for the yogurt to curdle is difficult to determine. It is important to monitor the process - as soon as white flakes start to rise to the surface and serum appears, the mass is ready for filtration.



  1. Kefir poured into the capacities of the device and left for 1-2 hours.
  2. As soon as the whey starts to separate, the contents of the jars are poured into a colander lined with gauze, and leave until the serum dries.
  3. After that, the cottage cheese from skimmed yogurt will be completely ready for consumption.

How to make cottage cheese from kefir in a microwave oven?

Cottage cheese from kefir in a microwave can be cooked in a matter of minutes. Less troublesome and quick way to prepare cottage cheese does not exist. You should only focus on the technical characteristics of your device. If the microwave is powerful, then the time for heating kefir can be reduced, because it is important that the mass does not boil.



  1. Kefir poured into a container and sent to the microwave, set at maximum power, for 10 minutes.
  2. During this time, white flakes will rise to the surface, and the whey will separate.
  3. Drain the resulting mixture into a colander with gauze, and when the whey dries, the curd from the yogurt in the microwave home conditions will be ready.

Curd from kefir in the oven

Preparation of cottage cheese from kefir and milk with the help of an oven - the recipe is old. Only earlier for these purposes used not an oven, but a Russian stove. Products in it are evenly warmed up, and the output is incredibly delicious cottage cheese. You can cook it and just from yogurt, but with the addition of milk, the product turns out tastier.



  1. Kefir is poured into a large saucepan, poured out for 40 minutes, and then extracted and 20 minutes insisted.
  2. Gauze is folded into 2 layers, poured into it the contents of the pan, tied, suspended and substituted a container for the whey.
  3. Hours in 8-10 cottage cheese with his hands from yogurt will be ready to serve.

Cottage Cheese in Multivarquet from Kefir

With the help of modern kitchen appliances, cooking cottage cheese has become much more convenient, faster and easier. Cottage cheese from milk and yogurt in a multivark can be prepared even by a child, because it is not difficult. From the amount of components specified in the recipe, about 400 g of a very tasty homemade cottage cheese will be obtained.



  1. Milk is poured into the bowl of the device and in the "Baking" mode, it is heated for 4 minutes.
  2. Pour in kefir and stir.
  3. Leave for the night.
  4. Turn the multivark on the "Heating" for 2 hours.
  5. At the end of this time, the bowl is removed from the appliance and placed in a container of cold water to cool its contents.
  6. Then pour the mass into a folded 2-3 times gauze and leave until all the whey has drained.

How to make cottage cheese from kefir for a child?

Cottage cheese, which is introduced to children in lure , should be as fresh and quality as possible. Therefore, it is best to cook it yourself. Curd from kefir for babies turns tender and soft. And to get a creamy structure, it can then be wiped through a sieve.



  1. Fresh kefir is poured into a saucepan and heated on a water bath until it is curtailed.
  2. Then the mass is cooled, poured into a colander lined with gauze, and as soon as the whey drains, the cottage cheese from the yogurt at home will be ready.