Cauterization of cervical erosion - consequences

If erosive changes were detected on the cervix, they used to use expectant management, but now both gynecologists and their patients are clearly aware of the danger of delay, since any change on the surface of this organ can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor. That is why the treatment begins immediately after the diagnosis. The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor.

Treatment of erosive changes by coagulation

Cauterization of erosive areas is currently widespread, which is carried out with the help of a laser, electrocoagulation and even a radio wave method. However, many women complain that after cauterization of erosion, the healing process takes place with some inconvenience.

Most often, women complain of discharge after cauterization of erosion. But it is important to know that this is nothing but a serous detachable, which is a means of natural reaction of the body and tissues to irritation. As a rule, this symptom begins to manifest 10-14 days after the manipulation. It is during this period that the scab (crust) that is formed due to the action of the laser, current or liquid nitrogen is rejected.

Monthly after cauterization of erosion, as a rule, come on time and do not differ morbidity. Bloody discharge that occurs after treatment should not be confused with menstrual flow. However, in some cases, exposure to the cervix can lead to a change in the menstrual cycle, which is normal. If the cycle does not recover within two months, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Sexual life after cauterization of erosion

Remember that sex after cauterization of erosion is possible only a month after the procedure, that is, after the next monthly period. This is important because after the operation the treated surface should heal completely. It is unacceptable to do anything that can break the integrity of the scab and cause bleeding. During the second month after coagulation, it is important to live sexually exclusively with the use of a condom. This applies even to those who have sex with a regular partner, since even the flora of such a person is alien for a woman, and during the recovery of the epithelium, the introduction of any extraneous flora should not be allowed.

Erosion of the cervix - the consequences of treatment

The consequences after cauterization of erosion can, among other things, include the risk of bleeding and pain. If the bleeding is severe, profuse and occurs immediately after the manipulation, then probably a large vessel was damaged. It is very important to consult a doctor for help in order to stop the bleeding in time.

The feeling of weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen is not a positive consequence of the treatment, however it is easy is eliminated by taking antispasmodics. Despite the fact that such drugs are practically harmless, it is important to consult with a doctor before using them.

Cauterization of cervical erosion by nulliparous using the latest apparatus is a common practice. However, pregnancy after coagulation should be planned. It is important not to allow pregnancy within 3-6 months after the manipulation, so that the cervix can fully recover. Childbirth after cauterization of erosion can be complicated, since scars on the main female organ remain, complicating the opening of the cervix, although it all depends on the size of the cured lesion, the method of treatment and the professionalism of the doctor.