How many years does the breast grow?

- Daddy, you do not notice anything new in me?

- No, daughter, but what?

- Well, Dad, I'm wearing a bra start, minus the first size!

Behind this ridiculous at first glance, an anecdote lurks a serious tragedy of not one girl's life. And in fact, why does one girl at 15 years old have a third-size breast, the other has a first breast, and the third has only the outlined tubercles? How long and for how many years does a woman's breast grow, and what does it depend on? Let's try to find the answers to these questions.

The exact time frame and timing for the issue, when the female breast begins to grow and ceases to grow, no. It is believed that the first signs of this process can be identified in years nine to ten, and the final formation of mammary glands occurs by 17-20 years. Such instability is caused by many factors. Among them, heredity with genetics, and nationality, and the hormonal state of the body, and lifestyle and nutrition. Let's go in order.

Ask your mom. Breast size, like the color of the eyes, the length of the legs and many other characteristics of the female body, are not taken anywhere. Children, being born, inherit them from their parents. So, the most accurate way to determine how many years the breast grows in each particular case is to address this question to your mother, grandmother and aunt. Genetics and heredity are a strong thing. Having studied in detail this question on the example of your relatives, you will quite certainly know how old your own breast will grow.

Magic estrogens. The hormonal status of the girl also serves as a powerful indicator of how many years her breasts will grow.

Female sex hormones are called estrogens. If there are enough of them, then the forms of the female body develop evenly and in a timely manner. Also, estrogens regulate the right menstrual cycle, which is also important for the volume of the future bust. According to the endocrinologist genicologists, when the breast ceases to grow, it is possible, adding to the age of the first monthly 2-3 years. So, if the first menstruation visited the girl at 13 years old, her bust will be formed by about 15-16 years. But this does not mean that he has already grown up. Childbirth and breastfeeding also contribute to an increase in these volumes, because even with them, estrogens are actively working.

Nationality and other factors. In addition to the above basic conditions, there are also secondary ones. These include nationality, place of residence, physical condition of the body, weight and nutrition. Strangely enough, all these factors actively influence the extent to which the maiden breast grows.

For example, it is noted that girls born in the south and east or belonging to the southern and eastern nations mature and form faster than their western and northern peers. Still very important in adolescence, when the entire body is formed to monitor his posture. If the girl slouches, moves a little and does not engage in exercise, the development of the mammary glands is postponed. On the contrary, when the back is flat, the muscles are in a tone, and the thorax is free, the bust is perfectly formed and quickly becomes lush. Mode and food, albeit indirectly, but also affect how long and how many years the breast grows. To improve this process in the food must be present proteins, fats and vitamins. Of course, beans, beans, carrots and cabbage will not accelerate the timing of the transformation of the breast glands into beautiful Percy. However, it is healthy healthy nutrition that will serve the normal all-round development of the organism as a whole, which will not affect the timing of the above-mentioned transformation.

And, finally, not the last place on this list takes weight, since the mammary gland is 80 percent fat. But in fact, it's not important how long the female breast grows, but how the woman herself relates to this.