Dyskinesia of bile ducts - symptoms

For processing food, especially fat, the body needs bile, which is produced in the liver. This liquid enters the intestine through special ducts by means of bladder contractions. Violation of the described process leads to the fact that dyskinesia of bile ducts arises - the symptoms of the disease do not manifest immediately, therefore this pathology can remain undetected for a long time.

Dyskinesia of bile ducts - causes

In medical practice, the considered disease is considered psychosomatic. This means that the progression of dyskinesia is mainly affected by the emotional state of a person. Stress, inner experiences and problems provoke a malfunction in the contractions of the gallbladder, which is why the outflow of fluid is disturbed.

In addition, the development of the disease contributes to such factors:

Signs of biliary dyskinesia

There are 2 forms of the disease - hypo- and hyperkinetic type. Depending on the type, dyskinesia of the biliary tract symptoms is different.

In the hypokinetic course of the disease, the gallbladder is not reduced enough, so fluid stagnation occurs in the ducts. This manifests as a dull, aching, but not too intense pain in the right hypochondrium, which is permanent in nature. After eating sweet or fatty foods, unpleasant belching and nausea may occur.

Hyperkinetic form of dyskinesia indicates a too rapid contraction of the gallbladder, has more obvious symptoms:

Moreover, there are indirect signs of biliary dyskinesia - nausea, heart palpitations, menstrual irregularities, irritability, loss of appetite.

US-signs of biliary dyskinesia

When the apparatus is diagnosed by ultrasound, the condition of the gallbladder and ducts is evaluated, the presence or absence of stones in them and associated diseases is established.

To determine the disease, the test is done twice. First, the size of the gallbladder is measured on an empty stomach, then the patient eats a little fatty food, for example 150-200 g of sour cream and ultrasound diagnosis is repeated. Spasmodic organ and changes in its volume allows you to assess the nature of the disease and its course. If the gallbladder has not contracted, or it has not occurred enough, it is a hypokinetic form of dyskinesia. In the case of too large a decrease in the organ under investigation in size, a hyperkinetic type of disease can be diagnosed.

Exacerbation of biliary dyskinesia - symptoms

Due to the fact that the described disease is most often chronic, there are often recurrences and exacerbations of its course. An attack of dyskinesia of the biliary tract is accompanied by such signs: