Bloody discharge in menopause

The beginning of menopause is said when the last months have passed a year. Terminated for this reason, menstruation due to the physiological characteristics of the body can not appear again.

In connection with this, any mucosal discharge during the menopause is considered pathological, that is, requiring compulsory treatment to the doctor.

Allocations during menopause in women can be of different nature:

Mucous discharge should be odorless and impurities, they can be released in small amounts, do not cause discomfort, burning, itching, pain, irritation. Such discharges are normal.

If the mucus secretions are scanty or too abundant, have an unpleasant smell, or are purulent or curdled, then this may indicate the presence of some infectious disease.

The greatest danger with menopause is spotting.

Causes of bleeding in menopause

If a woman uses hormone replacement therapy during menopause, she may have bloody discharge. They can last 1-2 years and pass easily and painlessly, lasting 3-4 days. If, however, when taking progesterone, menstrual bleeding lasts a long time, starts not at the right time, contains blood clots and is very abundant, then a woman should consult a gynecologist.

There are bleeding during menopause in the period of premenopause and during the period of postmenopause. Bloody discharge during menopause is usually caused by a violation of production of sex hormones due to violation of the timing of ovulation.

Most often, bloody or brown discharge during menopause is observed in women who suffer from endocrine diseases or metabolic disorders. Therefore, the emergence of this kind of secretions is an occasion for medical examination.

Bloody discharge after menopause is always considered a threatening sign. They can talk about the presence of tumors or erosion of the cervix.

But, if erosion is simply cauterized by various methods, then with cervical cancer, they resort to supravaginal amputation and extirpation of the uterus . During the menopause, the uterus in women is removed simultaneously with the appendages.