Wife does not respect her husband

Achieve respect for your beloved girl or wife is quite difficult. Almost every man knows about this. After all, women - the creatures are very fragile and sometimes with unpredictable behavior. But sometimes the problem, when a wife does not respect her husband, can be hidden and in relation to a loving man for a woman.

The problem of the fact that the husband lost credibility in the eyes of his wife, was sharply discussed at the Institute of Modern Marriage. If earlier it was similar, then it kept for seven locks. Today, if you look around, you can see that some wives publicly chastise their men, and this, as you know, greatly lowers male pride. But the real problem is that the wife does not respect her husband and the fact that men lead unwanted female demands, that they have suffered strong changes in the norm of morality and morality. Feminism is increasingly replacing the dominant position in the world, and the representatives of the stronger sex in some cases, very strongly surrendered their positions.

What is the reason?

If we talk about the fact that a girl does not respect her boyfriend or her wife has ceased to respect her once-beloved husband, then one has to dig deeper into the root causes that gave rise to the behavior of men, to whom women are sometimes deeply surprised:

  1. In most cases, one mother brings up her son (father or at work and does not consider it necessary, at least in her free time, to pay attention to her child, or the spouse in divorce, or the father believes that this is not a man's business, to be educated).
  2. Little men go to the kindergarten, and there are female teachers (some boys, who are deprived of attention and who did not have the correct idea of ​​the duties of the weak stronger sex, are of the opinion that it is normal when women run them). Then the situation repeats at school.
  3. The army is "out of fashion". Ultimately, this also affects the formation of masculine qualities in a guy.
  4. When it comes to marriage, some men, having made the wrong conclusions in dealing with women, consider it normal not to get involved with it in a dispute. And women, in turn, after such unrequited attempts to talk with their spouse, take for the proper take on man's responsibilities, making himself the master of the house.

How to make a wife respect her husband?

As you know, the male and female world view is very different, and the only way to make a girl respect her boyfriend or spouse is when she wants it herself.

A woman should understand that a man will show the necessary firmness, take initiative in his own hands, etc. then, when he feels that the woman believes in him.

A man, in turn, should realize that women, no matter what they want to seem strong spirit, always want to know that they always have a person behind whose back they will be, like behind a stone wall.