Which lenses are better - one-day or two-week?

Many of us still do not understand which contact lenses are better - one-day, or two-week? This is due to the fact that from a technical point of view, the products are almost identical: both lenses are soft, very thin and with equivalent characteristics. Materials of manufacture also coincide. And yet, one-day and two-week lenses have a number of differences in operation, they have different effects on the eyes.

What distinguishes one-day lenses from two-week?

If there is no difference in the composition, the level of moisture, air permeability and thickness, why do one-day lenses cost more than lenses with a two-week replacement period? Let's figure it out. First of all, we need to pay attention to the operation schedule: we throw out daily lenses immediately after being removed, and put two weeks in a container with an antibacterial solution, after which we can use it again. Can I wear one-day lenses again? Absolutely forbidden. This is their main drawback, and the main advantage. There are others:

  1. Easy to use, no need for additional accessories.
  2. Maximum sterility. We do not use the lens a second time, it does not accumulate bacteria, does not damage the surface in the process of taking off and putting on. Each time the eye comes into contact with an ideally new, clean lens.
  3. Ease of use on an irregular basis. Let's say you need lenses only for certain processes - driving a car, attending a gym, competitions and the like. Lenses of a two-week replacement should be thrown out 14 days after opening the package, even if you put them on 2-3 times during all this time. One-day lenses in this regard are more economical.
  4. If you dropped or lost one lens, you can immediately replace it with a new one. True, for this it is necessary to carry some stock.

Why do you need one-day or two-week lenses?

Two-week lenses are as comfortable for the eyes as lenses of daily replacement, and yet there is a chance that the inflammatory process - foreign microcracks can accumulate foreign bacteria, and the clearness of vision is often reduced due to protein and lipid deposits. Nevertheless, they have a number of advantages:

  1. Ability not to remove the lens at night. At the same time, the service life is reduced from two weeks to a week.
  2. Lower cost.
  3. With regular wearing, the lens adapts to the needs of your eyes, it becomes more comfortable.

Having weighed the pros and cons of both types of lenses, it's much easier to make a choice. The main thing is to clearly understand your needs and prioritize.