Cake without baking from cookies and cottage cheese - the fastest recipes for making a delicious dessert

A quick way to feed the kids with useful products, which they completely refuse to eat, is to cook the cake without baking from the biscuit and cottage cheese. The advantage of this treat - all products, as a rule, are at hand, you can supplement any treat with any components, taking into account the needs of consumers and their taste preferences.

How to make a cake from cookies and cottage cheese?

Cottage cheese cake without baking with biscuits can be cooked according to different recipes, supplemented with all kinds of additives, served chilled or otherwise impregnated in room conditions, the result will always be new and interesting.

  1. An important condition for the preparation of such desserts is the choice of cottage cheese, it must be smooth and homogeneous. Such a consistency can be achieved by using a blender and wiping it through a sieve.
  2. The most common cheese cake with cookies is a lazy cheesecake without baking, as crust is used crumbled cookies, and in the filling add cream cheese for density.
  3. A puff cake made from cookies and cottage cheese is very popular with busy home cooks. For shortcakes use shortbread cookies, chocolate, ginger, sometimes oatmeal.
  4. With curd cream, fruits and juicy berries combine well, but they need to be used as a separate layer or for decorating dessert.

Cookie cake with curd cream

This cake of cookies with cottage cheese and sour cream can cook and a teenager, it is important to choose a quality curd and fatty sour cream. If the basis is dense and hard cookies, the cream should be made more liquid, add sour cream to it one spoon more, if the base is soft, biscuit or friable, the sour cream can be discarded altogether.



  1. Mix coffee with condensed milk, pour into a container, convenient for dipping cookies.
  2. Combine sugar with butter, add vanillin and cottage cheese.
  3. Adding sour cream, whisk cream with a blender.
  4. Before laying out the base, wet the biscuits in coffee, spread in a single layer. smear with cream. Do this with all the remaining ingredients, collecting the cake in 3 layers.
  5. In the saucepan, melt the chocolate with one spoon of butter, enter the berries, mix.
  6. Apply the fruit-chocolate layer to the surface.
  7. Sprinkle the cake without baking the pastry and cottage cheese nuts.
  8. Cool for 20-30 minutes.

Cake "Domik" of cookies and cottage cheese

Unusually delicious and original cake "Curd house" from cookies without baking will be very popular with kids, thanks to its appearance, sweet taste and surprise inside. The dessert is prepared quickly, it needs to be soaked for no more than half an hour, it can be served both chilled and after impregnation in room conditions.



  1. Beat butter with sugar, add cottage cheese, sour cream and vanilla, divide into 2 parts, stir the second with cocoa.
  2. Cook the dumpling in the milk put three rows on the film.
  3. Distribute the white cream.
  4. Peeled banana cut in half and put in the center of the workpiece. Cover with chocolate cream.
  5. Join the edges of the workpiece, forming a "house".
  6. Wrap the film, cool for 5-8 hours.
  7. Drizzle with glaze, put into the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with coconut shavings.

Cookie cake with cottage cheese and banana

Curd cake made from biscuits with banana is the simplest and very cheap treat, which is prepared in a few minutes and is served after half an hour of impregnation. This recipe will be the perfect solution when you need to quickly build a treat for tea or when the guests are already on the way. Bananas are used ripe and soft, and sour cream needs fatty. Cottage cheese should be rubbed to a homogeneous mass, using a blender or a sieve.



  1. Cottage cheese punch blender with sour cream.
  2. Dip the cookies in warm milk.
  3. Lay one layer in a mold, covered with a film.
  4. Lubricate with curd cream.
  5. Distribute the mugs of bananas.
  6. Repeat the layers until the ingredients are exhausted.
  7. Lubricate the top of the dessert with cream, decorate with cocoa powder.
  8. A cake without baking from cookies, bananas and cottage cheese will be ready in 30 minutes.

Cake with cookies and cottage cheese with gelatin

In order to prepare a cottage cheese cake with cookies and gelatin, you need to choose a chocolate base, and the curd mass is well wiped through a sieve to get rid of grains. This dessert is served in a chilled form, so it becomes an ideal treat on a hot day. You will need a rectangular cookie and a baking dish, more by the width of the cookie for a couple of cm.



  1. Soak gelatin in 50 ml. cold water for 40 minutes.
  2. Wipe the cottage cheese, add sugar and sour cream, beat with a blender.
  3. Gelatin heated in a water bath (do not boil!) Until the granules dissolve.
  4. Pour a thin trickle of gelatin into the cream, whilst continuing to beat.
  5. In a foil-lined form put the cookies, put the cream.
  6. Continue laying the layers until the ingredients are exhausted.
  7. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  8. Put the cake of cookies and cottage cheese on a dish, pour with melted chocolate.

Cake of cookies, cottage cheese and condensed milk

An unusual cake from the jubilee cookie with cottage cheese will make the cream. It is prepared from the curd mass with the addition of condensed cream - an unusually tender and sweet treat, which you want to eat just false. Balance the sweetness of the cake crushed nuts, you can use any: walnuts, pistachios, almonds, but not cashews.



  1. Beat cottage cheese mass with condensed milk, cool a little.
  2. In a form, covered with a film, spread layers of milk-soaked cookies, soak with cream and sprinkle with nuts.
  3. Finish collecting a layer of cream, sprinkle with nuts.
  4. Leave the cake without baking cookies, condensed milk and cottage cheese in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Chocolate cake and cottage cheese cake

To cook this cottage cheese cake with chocolate cookies , the latter is better to choose in the glaze, so it will be much tastier and the dessert will become more saturated. From the curd mass, you need to make a souffle, adding a cream cheese in the cream, Philadelphia, mascarpone or a more budgetary Danish beech.



  1. Cottage cheese beat with sugar, add cream cheese, stir until homogeneous.
  2. In the form put a layer of cookies, soak the coffee syrup with a brush.
  3. Distribute the cream layer. Repeat the second layer, finish with cream.
  4. Send it to the refrigerator for 8 hours. Before serving decorate with grated chocolate.

Curd cake with oatmeal cookies without baking

This curd cake on the cake of oatmeal cookies is prepared quickly, simply and comes out very tasty. The recipe will appeal to the adherents of a healthy diet, in its composition only useful components that do not contain a large number of calories. Particular taste will add a strawberry layer of fresh berries, the season it can be replaced with cranberry.



  1. Cottage cheese whipped with vanilla and honey.
  2. Cook the cookie not into crumbs, leave pieces.
  3. Mix with berry puree until thick mush.
  4. In the form of distribute the first cake, grease with cottage cheese.
  5. To decompose oatmeal, soak with cream.
  6. Leave the cake without baking cookies and cottage cheese in the fridge for 1 hour.

Cheesecake with fruit and biscuits

Deliciously delicious, delicate jelly cake with cottage cheese and cookies, cooked with fruits, this treat will appeal to all sophisticated sweet tooth. Serve it in a cold form, and with the recipe and the whole with cooking will not have to bother. In advance, you need to prepare a shape, a diameter of 25 cm and a food film, to successfully mold the dessert.



  1. Wash gelatin in water for 40 minutes.
  2. To lay a film for baking.
  3. One peeled orange, cut into circles, put on the whole form, including stenochki.
  4. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and powdered sugar.
  5. Preheat the gelatin until the granules dissolve. Pour into cottage cheese, mix thoroughly.
  6. All the remaining fruits are cleaned and arbitrarily cut, put into curd cream, mix.
  7. Cookies are not finely broken, pour into the cream, mix.
  8. Pour the entire filling into a mold over the oranges.
  9. Take in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  10. Turn over on the dish, carefully remove the film.

Curd cake with cookie crumbs

Such a cake of crumbs of cookies and cottage cheese is popularly called a "lazy" cheesecake . Preparing a treat of 3-4 ingredients and always turns out insanely delicious. As part of this recipe used currant jam, you can use any berry puree or cocoa to get a chocolate treat.



  1. Cook the crumbs, chop the nuts, mix.
  2. Boil the caramel from the water and sugar, quickly pour into a crumb.
  3. Distribute the mass in the form with the sides, put in the refrigerator.
  4. Soak the gelatin for 30 minutes, warm until the granules begin to bloom.
  5. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar.
  6. Add the puree, followed by gelatin, stir until homogeneous.
  7. Pour the filling into the mold, put it in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.