Green tea is good and bad

The beneficial properties of green tea is known since ancient times and its healing effect is confirmed by scientists. But, as with any medication, even with green tea you need to be careful. Let's try to understand in which cases and why green tea brings the body benefits, and to whom it can do harm.

Chemical composition and properties of green tea

This drink has a unique chemical composition. Consider the main components to find out what is the use of green tea.

  1. Tannins make up 15-30% of the total green tea content. These substances make tea a tart taste. The most significant of them are tannins and catechins. Tannins have antimicrobial properties, they normalize digestion, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Catechins have an antioxidant effect, they normalize the metabolism.
  2. Alkaloids , the main of which is caffeine - is contained in an amount of 1 to 4%. However, in this drink, caffeine is combined with tannins, forming a theine, which acts more gently on the central nervous system and does not accumulate in the body. Tein stimulates mental activity, sharpens thinking. Other alkaloids, which are contained in a small amount, have a vasodilating and diuretic effect.
  3. Vitamins and minerals. In green tea, almost all vitamins are present, the main of which are C, P, A, B, D, E, K. Vitamin P is the most significant, since it helps to retain vitamin C, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. This drink is a deposit of mineral substances: iron salts, compounds of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, calcium, copper, etc.
  4. Proteins and amino acids. The protein content is 16 - 25%, which is not inferior to the nutritional value of legumes. In green tea, 17 amino acids are found, among them glutamine, restoring the nervous system.
  5. Essential oils - their content is insignificant, but they give a pleasant aroma, create a special emotional background when drinking tea.

The benefits of green tea with different additives

Green tea with milk - the benefit of this drink is that tea can facilitate the absorption of milk by the stomach, and the milk supplements tea with a lot of useful substances and minimizes the effect of caffeine. Brings green tea, especially with milk, a benefit in weight loss diets. Arranging the unloading days with this drink, you can easily get rid of a few pounds. In addition, green tea with milk increases lactation in lactating women, helps with poisoning, is useful in kidney diseases.

Great is the benefit of green tea milky oolong. This is a semi-fermented large-leaf infusion with a soft milky creamy taste. It can also be used for weight loss. In addition, milk oolong digestion, relieves fatigue, rejuvenates the skin.

Green tea with peppermint benefits from stomach disorders, facilitates nausea, promotes digestion. Mint has an analgesic, soothing effect, improves blood circulation.

Green tea with jasmine is a wonderful and useful combination. Such tea is an antidepressant and an aphrodisiac due to a combination of essential oils, and also prevents the development of cancer.

When drinking green tea with honey and lemon, its benefits are increasing. Honey strengthens the immune system, improves the activity of the heart, kidneys, digestive system. Lemon has antiseptic properties, helps the work of the liver, removes toxins. Especially useful is a drink in the morning to raise the tone and cold.

Harm and contraindications to green tea

It is undesirable to use green tea in such cases:

In addition, there is an opinion about the dangers of green tea with milk. Some scientists believe that tea and milk mutually neutralize their useful properties.

Remember that the main thing is to observe the measure when drinking tea. Healthy people are encouraged to eat no more than 4 to 5 cups of green tea a day.