Why does the baby snore when sleeping?

Strong and restful sleep is very important for a growing child's body. At night the child develops mentally and physically, his brain rests, the stress accumulated over the day decreases. All mummies are familiar with any violations of children's sleep - the baby can often wake up, cry, do not sleep for a long time. And there are many reasons that this may be related. However, some parents are faced with an unexpected problem - snoring.

Why does a small child snore in a dream? Do I need to see a doctor? What to do and how to help the baby? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Snoring in newborns

Many new parents face this problem on the very first night after they leave the hospital. But in this situation, you do not need to worry - for children under two months is a variant of the norm. So why does an infant snore at night? The cause of this phenomenon in newborns is associated with the narrowness of the nasal passages. In this situation, mom should carefully and thoroughly clean the crust from the baby's spout with cotton wool. This procedure will ease his breathing and help him to sleep peacefully. However, if the baby is 2 months old, consult a pediatrician to determine why the baby snores when sleeping.

Other causes of child snoring

Many parents turn to a doctor-otolaryngologist with the question of why their child suddenly began to snore. Most often, snoring in children aged 2-10 years with a detailed examination, it turns out, is associated with an increase in lymphoid tissue. Adenoid overgrowth creates mechanical obstructions in the air flow path, and the child can not breathe freely with the nose. At night, the muscles of the pharynx relax, and its lumen can narrow so much that snoring and even stopping breathing occurs. Usually, such situations arise after a catarrhal disease, when the child still has a natural increase in tonsils.

The second most frequent cause of childhood snoring is obesity. With a significant excess of normal body weight, fat tissue can be deposited even in the throat, thereby narrowing its clearance, which, in turn, causes snoring. Obesity, of course, is very dangerous for a young child, and requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Ignoring this problem can lead to much more serious consequences for all organs and systems of the child's body.

In rare cases, the reason for snoring in a dream may be genetic features of the anatomical structure of the child's skull. If this problem causes great concern, you should consult your doctor to discuss possible ways to relieve the condition.