Swelling of the legs during pregnancy - what to do?

Most pregnant women are swollen. But before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to find out what is the cause of permanent puffiness. Why do pregnant women swell and how to deal with this problem, we will discuss in this article.

Why do pregnant women swell?

Most often, puffiness is associated with increased water requirements. Gradually the volume of amniotic fluid increases, more blood is needed. The changed hormonal background, often provokes a strong thirst. As a result, a woman puzzles, deciding how to get rid of swelling on her legs during pregnancy. Typically, the body itself delays the water, storing it for future use. This is a normal state. But there are other reasons for which it is necessary to undergo a survey:

How to remove swelling on your legs during pregnancy?

The question of how to get rid of edema on the legs during pregnancy, it is necessary to ask your gynecologist. Only he can determine whether puffiness is the norm or pathology. If a woman is not susceptible to chronic diseases, you can significantly reduce discomfort, using standard recommendations that are useful for any pregnant woman. So, what you need to do in pregnancy, so that the legs swell not so much:

  1. Do not spend on your feet for a long time. Also, however, as always lying. Try to distribute the load correctly. Wear shoes made of soft, natural leather. A high heel for a pregnant woman is contraindicated. Especially if there is a predisposition to varicose veins.
  2. It is not recommended to wear tight trousers and pantyhose. They, too, strongly squeeze the vessels and lead to edema. When you go to bed, keep your feet at an angle of 30 degrees.
  3. Since it is impossible to eat badly when struggling with leg edema during pregnancy, you should reconsider your diet. Most likely, the menu shows a surplus of salty products, smoked, pickled. In pregnancy, a variety of flavoring quirks. It is possible that a woman is addicted to fast food. To balance nutrition, consult a nutritionist. He will tell you how to relieve swelling on your feet during pregnancy, using special days of unloading.
  4. In no case do not use diuretics, even plant-derived ones. They can affect the development of the fetus.
  5. During the day, drink as much water as you want. But after seven o'clock in the evening use of liquid is desirable to limit. Soon you will notice swelling become much less.