Color dreams - a sign of schizophrenia?

Surely everyone has heard the expression "colored dreams are dreamed of schizophrenics," but few can explain why this is based. Let's try to understand this question and find out if it's worth worrying again after seeing a bright and colorful dream?

Color dreams are a sign of schizophrenia?

To begin with, we need to understand where this statement comes from, "color dreams are a sign of latent madness." Everything rests on studies conducted by a number of scientists who concluded that bright colorful dreams are most often seen by people with mental disorders. But by themselves, colored dreams speak only of the activity of certain parts of the brain, which may be characteristic of the borderline states of the psyche, which then can lead to its diseases. Proceeding from this, it can be said that color dreams are only an indirect sign of schizophrenia and can only testify about the disease in conjunction with a number of other symptoms.

And still some modern experts declare, that from the point of view of psychology, in color dreams and at all there is no abnormality and to consider them as a sign of latent madness it is not necessary.

The fact is that earlier there was a belief in a person's ability to see only black and white dreams, so the presence of any other color was regarded as something abnormal. Today, the belief in this state of things is greatly shaken, thanks to serious research of dreams. Many modern scientists say that the color of sleep indicates only a certain emotional state of a person. For example, the combination of dark red and black in dreams (especially if such a union of flowers in a person is unpleasant) can speak of anxiety and stress .

More cautious professionals tend to see in the color of dreams an indication of the mind's mindset - creative people usually often see bright dreams, and the rationals are often viewed only by black and white dreams. Who is right, time will tell, but it is already clear that color dreams can not be called a clear sign of schizophrenia. So enjoy immersion in the bright and beautiful world of night fantasies without fear, of course, if it's not nightmares.