Can corn be fed to my mother?

Nursing mothers often think about the question: "Can I eat corn, and if - yes, which is better: cooked or canned?". In order to answer this question, it is necessary to know what this herb contains in its composition.

Why is corn useful?

As is known, corn belongs to the family of cereals, so it contains a large amount of fiber. This substance is almost indispensable for moms who have recently undergone childbirth.

Composed of complex carbohydrates contribute to toning and strengthening of the heart muscles. Also, in each grain contains a large number of vitamins C, D, E, P, K, and trace elements ( iron , phosphorus).

Can corn be given to nursing mothers?

You can consume corn when breastfeeding, but in small quantities. This cereal does not change the composition of my mother's breast milk. In addition, it does not contain gluten, which completely excludes the development of any allergic reactions.

However, corn helps increase the formation of gases in the intestines, which ultimately can lead to the development of bloating . Therefore, it is best not to abuse this product, but eat it in moderation.

In what form is it better to feed corn?

The diet for breastfeeding can be enriched with a dish like cooked corn, which moms like so much. This is easily explained by the fact that it does not take much effort and time to prepare it, which is usually spent on standing at the stove. Enough to fill the cobs with water and you can forget about them for 3-4 hours.

However, no less useful for breastfeeding for moms will be canned corn. With her help, you can treat yourself to a salad, adding to it the vegetables and fruits that are so necessary for lactating women. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that corn, precisely in canned form, contributes to increased lactation. Therefore, its consumption in food in small quantities, will only increase the production of breast milk.

How often can you eat corn for nursing women?

Many mothers can not wait until the corn ripens, and as she only appears on the shelves - do not spare her money. However, it should be borne in mind that if the mother still feeds her baby, then she will have to limit this cereal in her diet. Moreover, some pediatricians recommend completely to exclude it for women whose age does not exceed six months. This is explained by the fact that even a weak intestine of a crumb can not cope with such a volume of fiber that will enter the body of the baby along with milk.

When the child grows a little, the mother can afford such a treat as boiled corn. But this does not mean that now a woman can consume it in unlimited quantities.

Optimal will be 1-2 cobs no more than 1 time per week. In this case, after the first consumption of corn, you need to observe a little for the child - Whether it is worrisome, whether there were any rashes. If everything is good, then mom can occasionally please herself with this useful dish.

Thus, to eat corn to women while breastfeeding their babies, you can. And then there is not much difference, whether it is preserved or boiled, is used as a salad, or as a separate dish. The main thing in everything is to know the extent, periodically monitor the lack of reaction of the baby to this cereal and, if there is one - urgently to exclude this product from the diet, and then show the baby to the doctor-pediatrician.