Radish with breastfeeding

After a long winter it's hard to deny yourself the pleasure of eating the first vegetables and fruits. No wonder, because the body itself requires "compensation" and replenishment of vitamins and minerals. The first vegetable we used to eat in early spring is radish, delicious, incredibly useful, but at the same time requiring special attention during lactation. Why is the introduction of radish into the ration of the nursing mother requires vigilance and control? Let's find out.

Is it possible to radish with breastfeeding: "for" and "against"

Some vegetables, including radish, can provoke disturbances in the work of a baby that has not yet formed a digestive tract. Their consumption causes bloating, colic, upset of the stool (often constipation), the appearance of allergies. That is why pediatricians do not advise young mothers to eat radish when breastfeeding in the first 3 months of life baby. If the crumb is inclined to allergies or has any problems with digestion, with the introduction of radish in the ration of a nursing woman, it is necessary to wait at least six months.

Another argument not in favor of this root is its ability to change the taste of breast milk, which can trigger the failure of crumbs from eating.

And yet, if you take care and adhere to the basic rules for introducing new products, you can still eat radish when lactating moms. After all, the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the mood of the mother, improves the work of her cardiovascular system, saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. Moreover, it is proved that the consumption of radish by a nursing woman helps to strengthen the immune system of crumbs.

Recall that it is better to eat a vegetable after the baby is at least three months old. You can use it only at the time of the year suitable for him, that is, in the spring. Ideal for nursing mothers are fresh roots, grown in their own summer cottage or vegetable garden, without damages and discoloration. Radish, bought in a store or on the market, requires a close inspection and pre-soaking for 15-20 minutes in cool water. This will reduce its bitterness and rid the fruits of harmful chemicals.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the amount of radish eaten during lactation should be strictly regulated. For the first tasting one root will be enough. Later, in the absence of a negative reaction from the body, the baby, Mom can afford to eat a little more. However, it is impossible to abuse radish during lactation - experts recommend salting a salad from the above-mentioned vegetable no more often 1-2 times a week.