How to transfer a child to breastfeeding?

All mothers know how important the baby's milk is for a baby. However, not everyone can and want to breast-feed, and then the question arises as to how to transfer a child to artificial feeding as easily and painlessly as possible.

Translation start

There are certain rules about how to transfer a child to artificial feeding.

First, replace one of the nursing feed with a bottle. It is best to choose the evening time, because milk in the evening you accumulate the least. When you give the baby a bottle, try to talk with him, affectionate words explain what you need to try. This dialogue, which may seem to you a monologue, is actually very important for the baby. Within four to five days, you need to change one breastfeeding to an artificial one, during which time the baby will get used to and cease to be capricious.

Rules for gradual transfer to artificial feeding

After a few days, replace two or three more feedings. This method, how to gradually transfer the child from breastfeeding to artificial, is to alternate breastfeeding and feeding from the bottle, so adapting the crumbs will occur faster. Do it so you need again about eight to ten days. Feedings should occur regularly and on schedule, for example, every morning and lunch to breastfeed, and before dinner and in the evening - from a bottle. Better yet, if you feed your breasts in the morning and in the evening, and the rest of the feedings will be artificial.

Then you will have a choice: leave everything as is, so that the child would stay on partially artificial feeding, or still completely replace the feeding with an artificial one. If you decide to completely wean the baby, then remember that you need to do this gradually and slowly. Give the baby time to get used to the bottle, to a new way of eating. Morning feeding should be replaced with an artificial one last.

If at the moment your baby sucks a pacifier, then translating it into bottle feeding will be much easier. In that case, let the nipple on the bottle be of the same materials as the dummy. The mixture in the bottle should be warm, so that imitation of breast milk can be obtained.