Relief in lactation

After a natural birth, some women face the problem of treating hemorrhoids. But since a young mother should take care not only about herself, but also about her child, she must be very cautious in choosing medicines. The mandatory conditions for the selection of medicines is: high efficiency and non-toxicity for the baby. Ointment and candles "Relief" during breastfeeding meet the above requirements and are a good choice in this critical period.

Ointment and suppositories "Relief" with lactation

To understand how candles and ointment "Relief" when lactating are harmless, we will understand with their composition. The composition of these drugs includes shark liver oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride. Shark liver oil has a local anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, wound-healing and haemostatic effect. Phenylephrine hydrochloride, which is a part of candles and ointments "Relief", has a local vasoconstrictive effect. As you can see, these active substances have their effect in a problematic place, their entry into the systemic bloodstream is minimal. Thus, it can be said that it is safe to apply ointment and suppositories "Relief" when lactating.

"Relief Advance" and "Relief Ultra" during lactation

Candles "Relief Advance" with lactation can be an alternative to conventional candles "Relief". In composition, they differ in the inclusion of auxiliary substances. For example, it includes benzocaine - a substance that exerts a pronounced analgesic effect. The composition of the remaining components is identical. "Relief ultra" with breastfeeding has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of hydrocortisone (steroid hormone) in it.

Dosage of suppositories and ointments "Relief" for nursing

During lactemia, candles and ointment "Relief" should be used 1-2 times a day after hygienic procedures, but not more often 4 times a day.

Candles and ointment "Relief" is the drug of choice during breastfeeding. They are highly effective and have few contraindications (except for an increased sensitivity to one of the components).