Black wallpapers

The use of black wallpapers is a risky decision not only for self-design of the room, but also for professional designers. Only a person with a really good taste will be able to use this material competently and not make the room too gloomy and mourning.

Wallpaper in black color

Black is the most contrasting, brightest, most expressive. It combines mourning, gloominess, a feeling of a pressing atmosphere and, at the same time, mystery, passion, impetuosity. That is why the dosage of black color should be accurately verified.

Most often the wallpaper of this shade is not used alone for finishing the entire room. Usually, only one wall or any part of the wall is glued to the black wallpaper, while others are decorated with more calm and light wall coverings.

If you are using the interior with black wallpaper, then their texture is very rarely smooth. Usually it is either two-color versions, for example, black wallpaper with gold or silver, or designs in which glossy and matt textures alternate. The room pasted with such wallpaper must necessarily have good lighting, both natural and artificial, to always be filled with light. It is the game of highlights, shadows and reflections on black wallpaper that creates the necessary mystical effect. To enhance it, many designers resort to this method: place on the black walls of mirrors or papered with black wall wallpaper in front of the windows, and hang on them lamps or sconces .

If you decide to use black wallpapers, it is better to think immediately and the furniture that will stand in the room. The best with such dark walls look bright or shiny, glossy glass and metal surfaces. But wooden furniture is often lost against the background of black walls. Beautifully look with such wallpaper and bright details of the situation, but only when there are not very many, one or two will be enough.

Black wallpapers in the apartment

No matter how strange it may sound, the best thing is that there are black wallpapers in the bedroom . They create a sense of intimacy, solitude, passion and, at the same time, have a calm. The family bedroom will immediately look more stylish and refined, if you cover the walls with black wallpaper. Also often used a similar wall covering and in the men's bedrooms. After all, black is also associated with strength and brutality, which means that it is perfect for a bedroom of a single man.

Black wallpapers in the living room should be dosed, because this is the place where you receive guests. And so it is worth thinking not only about your own tastes and preferences, but also about how comfortable those people who come to your house will be. It is better to dwell on options in which black is diluted with a different color. For example, the design of black wallpapers with white or silvery ornament looks very stylish. Another option - to finish with black wallpaper only one wall. Most often for this is chosen the one that is behind the back of the couch or behind the TV.

Black wallpapers are used and in the kitchen. However, they usually only remove one wall. But this method, combined with black worktops or facades of built-in kitchens, makes the interior unusually stylish, gives a sense of luxury and purity without the "taste" of the hospital ward, as is usually the case if the interior is white.

Rooms in which it is not recommended to use black wallpapers: it is a corridor, a hallway, since they are often too small to bear such a complex color, and also a nursery, there are a lot of other shades for this room.