Cancer of the stomach - treatment

Gastric cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed oncological diseases. Cancer can occur in any part of the stomach and spread quickly enough to other organs - the esophagus, lungs, liver, etc. As with any type of cancer, the effect of treatment is largely determined by its timeliness. According to statistics, 70% of patients with stage I stomach cancer completely recover.

Methods of treatment of stomach cancer

The main method of treatment of stomach cancer is a surgical operation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used as auxiliary methods.

Depending on the stage of the disease and the prevalence of the process, various types of operations are performed:

  1. Gastroectomy - removal of the entire stomach, if the tumor is located in the upper third of the stomach.
  2. Subtotal resection - is carried out at early stages with tumors that occupy the lower half of the stomach (there remains a section of the stomach 2-3 cm wide).
  3. Distal resection - is performed with antral cancer (about 70% of the lower part of the stomach is removed).
  4. Proximal resection - is performed with cancer of stages I - II of the cardiac and subcardial divisions (the upper part of the stomach with the cardia is removed).

In addition, the removal of lymph nodes, and if necessary remove other organs (partially or completely) in order to eliminate all tumor tissue. Even if the tumor can not be completely removed, surgical interventions help stop bleeding, ensure the passage of food, etc., improving the patient's condition.

After the operation, the treatment of stomach cancer continues. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, cardiac drugs, painkillers and other medications. The food is administered intravenously with a catheter.

If tumor cells were not completely removed, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are prescribed. Chemotherapy is the use of special chemicals that destroy cancer cells not only in the stomach, but also in other organs. Radiotherapy (X-ray irradiation) also destroys cancer cells in the body.

Treatment of gastric cancer with folk remedies

Consider in general terms the two most effective and popular folk methods of treatment of stomach cancer, which can become an alternative to traditional medicine.

  1. Treatment of gastric cancer with kerosene. This method helped to cure many patients who were considered hopeless. For treatment should be used distilled kerosene, taking it on an empty stomach for 15 drops on a piece of sugar. Also on kerosene are made medicinal tinctures from walnuts and birch mushrooms. The method has many features, and kerosene treatment is strictly individual.
  2. Treatment of gastric cancer with propolis. Propolis is able to slow down the growth of cancer cells. For the treatment should be eaten daily 5 grams of propolis in pure form 3 - 5 times a day for an hour before meals.