Two-sided pneumonia

Assess the whole range of problems associated with pneumonia, you can, only having had it. Very often, the scale and severity of the disease is underestimated, confusing it with an ordinary cold. Both bilateral and unilateral pneumonia are very dangerous diseases. Despite the fact that the signs of pneumonia have much in common with the symptoms of traditional ARI, SARS, colds, the course of these diseases differs drastically.

Causes and main symptoms of bilateral pneumonia

Pneumonia can be of two main types: one-sided and two-sided. Both forms of the disease pose a threat to the body and manifest themselves almost equally. On the description of the features of bilateral inflammation of the lungs, I want to stop in more detail to simplify its diagnosis.

The main cause of the emergence of bilateral pneumonia is the activity of microbes. Viruses and pathogens, in principle, live in almost all organisms, but strong healthy immunity restrains their development, and accordingly, prevents the appearance of the disease. Once a problem arises in the work of the immune system, the virus or bacteria will necessarily take advantage of it.

These factors can lead to weakening of immunity and bilateral pneumonia:

Securing yourself from all of the above, you can easily avoid not only bilateral pneumonia, but also many other problems.

Characteristic for all types of bilateral pneumonia - and for the lower lobe, and for polysergmatic, and purulent, and for focal - are such symptoms:

  1. The first sign of the disease is fever. The temperature can jump abruptly to forty degrees, while it is almost impossible to knock it down with febrifuge.
  2. The disease is often accompanied by headaches.
  3. Another characteristic symptom is the pain in the chest, which is especially acute in deep breaths. Thus the person feels weakness and a malaise because of the lowered pressure.
  4. Some patients suffer from excessive sweating and shortness of breath.
  5. Basically bilateral pneumonia manifests itself as a cough, with a purulent form of the disease in sputum, even small blood clots can be detected. Although with some types of pneumonia this symptom may be absent. So, for example, sometimes focal bilateral pneumonia is completely asymptomatic.
  6. Sometimes with pneumonia on the face appear rashes, and the skin turns pale and takes a cyanotic shade.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious illness, and therefore treatment should be appropriate. Unfortunately, it is impossible to overcome pneumonia without antibiotics. The duration of treatment, the composition of the medication complex and procedures is determined for each patient individually. The choice depends on the form of the disease and the state of health of the patient.

In general, the therapeutic complex includes potent drugs. In addition to antibiotics , it also includes:

Very often the effect of drug treatment is supported by physiotherapy procedures.

It is not recommended to treat the inflammation of the lungs at home by yourself. It is important to understand that the consequences of bilateral pneumonia can be more than serious:

  1. Infected organism is prone to infectious-toxic shock.
  2. In some cases, negligence can lead to blood poisoning.
  3. The most terrible consequence of the disease is death. Unfortunately, deaths are a frequent occurrence, because of pneumonia, patients die even today.