Why does the child have sore eyes?

Sometimes small children suddenly start complaining about the pain in their eyes. Such unpleasant sensations can appear because of the cilia or any small foreign object caught in the eye, or may indicate the onset of the disease.

In this article, we will tell you why the child's eyes are aching and what to do in this situation.

Why there is a pain in the eyes of the child?

As a rule, a child's eyes hurt for the following reasons:

  1. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. In most cases, the eyes with this disease blush, and the child seems that they poured sand. Quite often there are also various purulent discharges. If such symptoms occur, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist, so that a qualified doctor confirms the diagnosis and prescribes the necessary medications.
  2. Sometimes a child complains of pain in the eyes if there are symptoms of a cold. If the body temperature of the crumb is significantly increased, you can not worry much - as soon as it returns to normal, the pain in the eyes will subside.
  3. In older children, the pain in the eyes in most cases causes visual overexertion. It is necessary to minimize the time that the child spends in front of the TV or computer monitor, since in the future this can cause a decrease in visual acuity.
  4. Erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye usually occurs after a foreign object enters it. In order to pull out the mote, try gently pushing it to the nose with a clean handkerchief. After removing the object of the eye, it will take several days to rinse with a solution of chamomile or ordinary boiled water. If you pull out the mote yourself you did not succeed, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Spasm of the vessels of the head causes a feeling of heaviness and pressing pain in the eyes.
  6. Finally, the crumbs may have an eye ache with inflammation of the nasal sinuses, for example, if there is a sluggish sinusitis.