Candidiasis of the vagina

Vaginal candidiasis (another name for thrush) at least once in every woman's life and brought a lot of unpleasant moments. But, why, despite the expensive treatment, thrush comes back to us again and again.

The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, hence the name candidiasis. Usually, fungi are part of the normal microflora of the vagina, but are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. However, when a provoking factor occurs, the fungus multiplies intensely, and the woman is attacked by thrush. Such factors are most often the reduction of general and local immunity after the transfer of an infectious disease, acute respiratory viral infection, stress, antibiotic intake.

Vaginal candidiasis: symptoms

In the vagina Candida fungi come from the intestine, from sexual acts, from the external environment, from infected objects. Recognize the vaginal candidiasis in a woman can for the following symptoms and signs:

Vaginal candidiasis: treatment

Thrush is usually treated according to the same principles as any other infection - antifungal drugs are prescribed. If vaginal candidiasis is a mild form, you can do with topical preparations. For example, a patient may be prescribed vaginal suppositories from candidiasis. Nystatin suppositories are suitable for women with a chronic form of thrush. There are more expensive imported analogues - Polizinaks and Terzhinan. Preparations based on ketoconazole (Livarol, Nizoral, Mikozoral) are used in cases when candidiasis first came. A gynecologist can also prescribe such suppositories as Betadine, Monistat, Gino-Pevraril, etc. Local treatment of vaginal candidiasis in women is performed with antifungal ointments, for example, Clotrimazole, Tri-Derm, or vaginal tablets (Clion-D, Clotrimazole).

Along with local drugs, one-two-time administration of fluconazole, 150 mg orally is possible. It is produced under such commercial names as Flucostat, Diflucan, Mycosyst.

In order not to disturb the microflora of the vagina, milk bacteria and prebiotics (Lactobacterin, Dufalac, Lactusan) are necessary.

Thrush and Pregnancy

Thanks to the physiological and hormonal changes in the body, the immunity of expectant mothers is somewhat reduced. This gives impetus to the rapid reproduction of the Candida fungus. To eliminate vaginal candidiasis in pregnancy, women are allowed the following drugs that do not harm the fetus:

Vaginal candidiasis in children

Unfortunately, the yeast-like fungus also affects female representatives and in childhood. In newborn girls, candidiasis appears as a result of infection from the mother while passing through the birth canal. In breast and preschool age, this disease is possible because of the parents' low attention to the hygiene of their daughter, and also because of the decrease in the body's defenses. Treatment of vaginal candidiasis in children is carried out with the same drugs as in adults, only with a dosage that is appropriate for age, and under the close supervision of a doctor.