Sore feet during pregnancy

Do the legs hurt during pregnancy? Of course, and this is absolutely natural, pain in the legs during pregnancy is troubling many women, especially in late pregnancy.

Why do legs hurt in pregnant women?

There are many factors that explain the occurrence of pain in the legs during pregnancy. The main ones are:

These are the few reasons to answer the question of why the feet hurt during pregnancy.

Sore feet during pregnancy - suspected of varicose veins

One of the most common causes of complaints about the fact that the legs are very painful during pregnancy is varicose veins of the lower extremities. Disease in pregnant women is manifested due to an increase in the level of hormones in the blood, which help to relax the vascular wall. Such a hormone is relaxin. At the same time, there is swelling, pain in the legs in the evening hours, varicose veins on the legs. To prevent this disease it is necessary:

Why do calf legs hurt during pregnancy?

The effect of relaxin also promotes stretching of the ligament apparatus of the lower limbs, which can be manifested in pregnant women with complaints of pain in the calves of the legs.

Why do foot pains hurt during pregnancy?

Feet feet during pregnancy can get sick due to the developing flat feet. With an increase in the load on the legs during pregnancy, the body weight may be unevenly distributed on the foot and cause the development of this disease.

Pain in leg muscles during pregnancy

Usually, leg muscles ache during pregnancy due to increased stress, spasms or cramps in the legs, which are accompanied by a sharp pain in the muscles. They can arise because of a violation of the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Seizures occur most often during sleep, when the legs move away from the day's load, and are the reason why the legs hurt during the night during pregnancy. Because of the decrease in the level of calcium in the blood, the leg bones hurt during pregnancy and the joints of the legs hurt during pregnancy. Consumption of foods high in calcium, such as cottage cheese, milk will help restore calcium levels.

It hurts between the legs during pregnancy - causes

The pain between the legs during pregnancy can be caused by stretching the pubic symphysis. This process is caused by the influence of pregnancy hormones, in particular relaxin. The stretching of the pubic symphysis is aimed at preparing the future mother for childbirth and can manifest as pain between the legs, in the pubic bone. Pinching of the sciatic nerve can also cause pain between the legs. Pincering can occur due to the growing uterus, which squeezes the sciatic nerve.

How to reduce leg pain during pregnancy?

The answer to the question what to do with pain in the legs during pregnancy is simple - you need to reduce the burden on your legs. To do this, you can use a special bandage, compression knitwear, medical insoles. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the legs, to do light exercises. You can not stay long in one position, sitting or standing, you need to change it. The use of foot baths, a contrast shower will help relieve nighttime fatigue. Enriching the diet with foods high in calcium will help in the prevention of seizures. The correct position during sleep, on the side, and not on the back, will help to prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve.