Carpaccio of an octopus

Nowadays in cooking, the term "carpaccio" is used for the name of any dishes made up of thinly sliced, usually raw foods, including seafood.

Tell you how to cook carpaccio from an octopus (we will still cook it). Octopus is better to choose medium-sized, fresh or freshly frozen, with a pleasant smell.

Recipe for cooking octopus carpaccio in wine sauce



The octopus is thawed in the refrigerator. If fresh, lightly beat it off, carefully rinse and scald with boiling water. We remove the insides, beak, eyes and ink bag. Once again, rinse thoroughly with running water.

We lay the octopus in a saucepan, pour cold water. Add the peeled onion, bay leaf, clove and pepper. After boiling, reduce the heat and remove the noise. We cook from 20 minutes to 1 hour - it all depends on the size. Cool in the broth.

With a clean plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2.5 liters, cut off the upper part and place it in the lower part of the octopus. From above put some round plate, freely passing through the diameter inside the bottle. We put the load on top. You can use a special device instead of a plastic bottle to press the ham - it's even more convenient. Or you can wrap an octopus in film and put under the press. We put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours (but not in the freezer).

Extract the pressed octopus and cut into thin slices. Beautifully and not closely laid out slices on the serving dish. Prepare the sauce. Mix the oil with the vinegar and wine. Season with garlic and hot red pepper. You can thicken the sauce with starch. We pour carpaccio and decorate with greens. Sprinkle with lemon juice. You can serve with baked or boiled potatoes , marinated or boiled asparagus, young beans, pasta or rice. Wines choose light, white or pink. If you serve with potatoes or beans - choose dining dry. If with rice - you can choose strong and sweeter.