Stones in the bladder

The process of formation of stones in the bladder, as a rule, long. However, the symptoms may not be manifested in any way. And only when the stones from the bladder exit, you can find out about their availability.

Causes of the appearance of stones

The composition of stones in the bladder in women are inorganic and organic. In turn, among the inorganic are:

To the stones of organic nature are:

Unequivocally answer, why there are stones in the bladder, it is difficult. There are several theories explaining the formation of stones. The first is that a primary crystal appears, and subsequently smaller salts are attached to it. According to another theory, the salt "stick" the salt, and it gradually crystallizes.

The most common causes of stones in the bladder are:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. A monotonous food. A high content of foods containing oxalic and uric acid in food.
  3. Inflammation of the urinary bladder .
  4. Anomalies of the urinary tract.
  5. Quality of consumed water.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine glands, leading to a violation of calcium metabolism. For example, increased functional activity of parathyroid glands.
  7. Some diseases of the digestive system and kidneys.
  8. Low physical activity.


The choice of method for treating stones in the bladder affects the size, shape, mobility and location of the stone.

Diet in the presence of stones in the bladder is an integral part of effective treatment. The food should be full, balanced in terms of microelement and vitamin composition. You also need a lot of fluids. Depending on the composition of the stones, certain products are excluded from the diet:

  1. Calcium and phosphoric - limiting the use of dairy products, fish.
  2. With oxalate stones in the bladder, sorrel, beans, chocolate, tomatoes are excluded.
  3. Stones from uric acid, so-called urate stones, require the restriction of leguminous, strong tea. It is necessary to exclude liver and other by-products, animal fats, fatty meat, strong broths from meat and fish, alcohol, especially beer.

Other types of stones are much less common.

Removal of stones from the bladder will help herbal fees. Useful infusions of birch buds, foliage of cowberry, corn stigmas, field horsetail. In addition to fees based on herbs used and other forms of phytotherapy. For example, Kanefron , Urolesan.

To "dissolve" stones in the bladder, drugs - citrate mixtures, such as Blamaren, Uralit. The mechanism of action of these drugs is to change the acid-base balance. At the same time, the connections between the particles that make up the stones are weakening. And with proper adherence to the regimen, dissolution of the stones occurs.

If the above methods are ineffective, one must resort to an operation to remove the stones in the bladder and to crush them. At the heart of stone removal is the method of shock-wave crushing of stones. This procedure can be performed under visual control through an endoscope inserted into the urethra. And also can be carried out under the control of the apparatus of ultrasound or X-ray apparatus. If it is not possible to conduct minimally invasive methods of treatment, an open kidney operation is used.

It is worth noting that removing a stone does not mean a cure for the disease. Therefore, it is important to find out and, if possible, eliminate the cause of stone formation.